Example sentences of "stood for [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Without showing any sign of emotion he stood for a while at the head of the bier .
2 It has always been I who have calmed her , though sometimes the Sweeper has come in the evening and stood for a while at her cage and she has calmed in his good presence .
3 Towards the end of the soirée , Eliot stood for a while by himself in a seemingly abstracted state , and , looking at him across the room , I could not decide whether he was looking in my direction or not .
4 Wycliffe passed through the general office with a word to the two girls and stood for a while in the yard while the timber-lorry drove away and the big double doors were closed behind it .
5 He stood for a while in the darkness , hoping that perhaps one of the nuns , Lady Amelia or Dame Agatha , would follow him out , but no one came .
6 When we reached home , we stood for a moment beside the tree near my gate .
7 She stood for a moment beside Melissa , looking up at the portrait .
8 Before leaving he stood for a moment at the door and let his eyes range round the room as if he were seeing it for the first time .
9 Maxim got the film and certificates from his room , then stood for a moment at the top of the front steps , looking across the parade ground .
10 The farmer got out of his car to open the gate and stood for a moment at the bend in the road .
11 Hundreds of eyes stared fixedly as the laird stepped out onto the gravel and stood for a moment with his chin jutting and his mouth pulled down , like a general reviewing his troops .
12 She stood for a moment with her head on one side , listening intently .
13 Angel Four stood for a moment with his back pressed to the closed door of the Prophet 's private suite .
14 She put down the receiver and stood for a moment with her hand resting on it , her head bowed and her thoughts in turmoil .
15 He stood for a moment between the columns , staring into the gloom .
16 She stood for a moment on the other side of the room , sizing me up ( and me sizing her up ) , and then she came over to speak to me .
17 He opened the front door and stood for a moment on the step looking at the glimmer of light touching the pale dome of the church and the glow of the city thrown up against the sky .
18 The young man stood for a moment on an overhanging ledge of the bank , looking down at the water ; the dog swam round and round below ; the man 's body was flecked all over with light and the shadow patterns of leaves , so that he seemed some human extension of the place .
19 He stood for a moment on the promenade in the same huddled way , and then he made his way slowly towards a green-painted seat and sat slowly down on it .
20 They stood for a moment regarding it , then Meg Dennison said : ‘ When I first came here from London it almost frightened me , the sheer size of it , the way it dominates the headland .
21 She stood for a moment behind the thick black curtain , unwilling to pull it aside .
22 On the doorstep of number 54 , Henry stood for a moment in the gloom , flexing his fingers .
23 She moved to the stairs and stood for a moment in the silence of the hallway , the candle flickering in her hand .
24 Oliver stood for a moment in terror , the blood rushing through him until he felt he was on fire .
25 He stood for a moment in silence .
26 Fenella slithered down from the horse 's back and stood for a moment in the road , feeling the fingers of mist swirl into her face and touch her skin with damp clammy hands .
27 Athelstan stood for a moment in disbelief , then he moved over to the other bed post : there , in the centre , the artist had etched a life-like horse .
28 Owen stood for a moment in stunned shock .
29 Sophie nodded as she cleaned up the wound , then , after giving an injection of antibiotic , she stood for a moment in thought .
30 And , as he finished pouring their brandies , she walked ahead of him through the open doorway and stood for a moment before the huge window , listening to the music , gazing out to sea , aware of a sense of peace and deep contentment .
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