Example sentences of "following their [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 And although England showed signs of improvement against Norway last month , following their debacle in the European Championship finals in Sweden during the summer , they still have some way to go to ensure a comfortable path to the United States .
2 West Indies , following their dominance of the world cricket stage since the mid-1970s , were in the process of rebuilding , and new captain Richie Richardson , keen to make his individual mark , was clearly investing in the blossoming talents of the likes of batsmen Carl Hooper , Brian Lara , Philo Wallace and Keith Arthurton and bowlers Ian Bishop , Curtly Ambrose and Anderson Cummins .
3 Dermot Finucane and James Pius Clarke were wanted by the Northern Ireland police following their escape from the high-security Maze prison near Belfast during a mass breakout in 1983 by members of the IRA [ see p. 32808 ] .
4 A member of the Hillingdon side which won six successive English League titles between 1980-85 , Tennant , a centre net player , gave up the game after Hillingdon disbanded following their capture of the League title in 1985 .
5 SOHO will have their ‘ Hippy Chick ’ single re-released in the near future following their success in the US .
6 SOHO will have their ‘ Hippy Chick ’ single re-released in the near future following their success in the US .
7 Following their attack on the American naval units in Pearl Harbour , the Japanese forces made remarkably swift advances in the Far East , managing to capture Singapore from the British forces , on 15th .
8 The collection of antique tablets , inscriptions and small bas-reliefs housed under the arcades of the first courtyard was installed in the palace by the Riccardi family following their purchase of the palace from the Medici in 1659 .
9 Following their defeat at the Wiltshire election of 1713 , the Whig candidates petitioned the House of Commons , complaining that the under-sheriff , in collusion with the two Tory candidates , had delayed opening the poll until the afternoon , " when many freeholders , who would have voted for the petitioners , were necessitated , by reason of the harvest , to go away without voting " , and also that he had " refused those who voted for the petitioners , and had a right ; and polled others amongst them , who had no right " .
10 Interim official results gave the HRPP 26 of the 47 seats in the Fono ( the unicameral legislature ) , with 18 going to the opposition Samoan National Development Party ( SNDP — the name adopted by the coalition of independents and the Christian Democratic party following their defeat in the February 1988 general election — see p. 36098 ) ; three seats were won by independents .
11 Right-wing parties in the ruling National Opposition Union ( UNO ) , led by Vice-President Virgilio Godoy , had proposed the revocation of laws 85 and 86 , passed by the FSLN in March 1990 following their defeat in the February 1990 presidential elections [ see p. 37236 ] .
12 Parliamentary opposition groups were also active in the anti-government protests , but their focus was on political regrouping following their defeat in the May 1990 elections , parliamentary opposition to government policies and political manoeuvring in response to NSF proposals to involve them in a government coalition .
13 following their research into the extent of resident satisfaction with high-rise blocks in Glasgow ; and by Oscar Newman ( 1972 ) , who studied the relationship between design and crime and vandalism in New York .
14 In many cases it is she who develops an opportunity for talk with the children , following their interest in the activities provided , and pursues attention to ideas like one-to-one correspondence , comparison and so on .
15 Costs increased for all clients in the year following their referral to the psychogeriatric service but they increased more steeply in the action than control samples .
16 We may also note that with the reconstruction of the German trade unions after World War II , following their demise under the Nazi regime , the DGB was founded as a unitary organisation to include members of all occupations and political persuasions .
17 Following their visit to the museum , the two UNESCO experts , Mattias Dermitze , representative of the UNESCO Secretariat Department of World Heritage and Ted Pillsbury , Director of the Kimbell Museum , Fort Worth , Texas , agree with this assessment .
18 This was the first permanent institution endorsed by the 34 heads of state and government following their adoption of the Charter of Paris in November 1990 [ see p. 37838 ] .
19 Congress also approved the party 's second political platform and 10-year socioeconomic plan , both of which had been the subject of widespread , and often contentious , debate following their adoption at the party 's 10th plenum held in November 1990 [ see p. 37916 ] .
20 Following their agreement with the government the three opposition parties cancelled a demonstration in Kigali against renewed violence in the south of the country .
21 He has pointed to the difference between the treatment of offenders in Scotland and England , and said that the Scots do not imprison defaulters following their acceptance of the Scottish Law Commission 's report , which recommended that civil imprisonment for the non-payment of rates and taxes should be abolished .
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