Example sentences of "brought back to [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Lancelot , although befriended by a hermit , can not be brought back to a normal state of mind because the hermit is too poor to feed him properly , and ‘ for defaute of sustenance he waxed more wooder than he was aforetyme ’ , and became violent , breaking the legs and arms of those who tried to help him .
2 Several placements have broken down , including that for one person in this study ( WG ) , who was returned to hospital at the last datapoint ( this person has since been brought back to a staffed house in her home district ) .
3 I was brought back to the mundane present by the shiver of chill that ran over me .
4 One Monday night around midnight , some thirty-five vans had been brought up from New Clee sidings , pushed down Melhuish 's Jetty , loaded up , and were brought back to the middle road alongside Fish Dock Road .
5 In Type I disease , the calves have usually been set-stocked in one area for several moths ; in contrast , Type II disease often has a typical history of calves being grazed on a field from spring to mid-summer , then moved and brought back to the original field in the autumn .
6 One is brought back to the fundamental conclusion that throughout the Primary years it is the children 's activity that is the key to full development .
7 Approximately one hour later , they were brought back to the same room and asked to retell the story again .
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