Example sentences of "brought [adv] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Kevin Gallacher , brought on as a substitute in Berne , should be in the starting line-up against Portugal .
2 ( i ) As a result of the progress of medical science certain conditions are now so easily diagnosable and treatable , that , although they once carried a mortality , it can no longer be said that they do , unless that mortality is brought on as a result of some wholly unexpected and exceptional circumstance , for example gross negligence on the part of the doctor treating the patient .
3 Outbreaks of violence were common , usually brought on by a mixture of glue and alcohol .
4 In 1974 his property and investment group also faced problems brought on by a credit squeeze and downturn in the building market .
5 Her triumph in securing Dombey as a husband for Edith is dashed by Edith 's unconcealed contempt and resentment after the marriage , and she dies in confusion of mind and physical incapacity brought on by a stroke .
6 ‘ A deficient libido brought on by a set of socio-physical determinants manifesting in a psycho-sexual syndrome , whereby you can only achieve sensual gratification through the experience of pain . ’
7 And medical experts say the horrific condition may have been brought on by a paracetamol tablet .
8 We are being taken to the ‘ limits of pain ’ brought on by a means of transport which is too loud , ugly , congested , dirty , dangerous and expensive .
9 It was the first time in Israel 's 41-year history that a government had been brought down on a vote of confidence .
10 Yet , as the latest troubles with Olympia & York and the Tokyo stock market remind us , the recession shows no sign of ending and could get a lot worse unless real interest rates are brought down with a bang — and that means willingness to put the exchange rate mechanism second to domestic monetary policy .
11 Official UN reports supported Italian government findings that the plane was brought down by a missile , but responsibility could not be attributed .
12 The police reacted swiftly and a man who broke through their cordon was brought down by a rugby tackle and arrested .
13 Miyazawa had taken over from Toshiki Kaifu only on Nov. 5 , 1991 , after the Kaifu administration had been brought down by a string of financial corruption cases [ see pp. 38558-59 ] .
14 This collection has been brought together at a time when the Banjara people are gravitating towards the cities relinquishing their nomadic life and abandoning their dynamic textile art .
15 Both views are right ( Handy and Aitken 1986:34 ) : In that they are collections of individuals brought together for a purpose , schools are subject to all the problems , limitations and excitements that are inherent in getting people to work together , wherever they do it .
16 His wife , Shirley , believed we 'd been brought together for a reason and , after a while , she reckoned my sight would be healed .
17 This was in Kenya where the Ministry of Education 's special centres in English , mathematics and science were brought together into a Curriculum Development Centre in 1966 and the whole amalgamated with the Kenya Institute of Education , a non-university body which co-ordinated standards in teacher education in 1968 .
18 On the contrary , according to the Middle East International of Feb. 22 , in the occupied territories the supporters of the PLO and those of its rival , the strongly Islamic Hamas , were brought together by a blend of secular nationalism and Islamic fundamentalism similar to that achieved by the Iraqi President Saddam Hussein .
19 The photographs were taken over a period of ten years , and eventually they were brought together in a book in 1960 ; ten of the book 's essays originally appeared in Vogue , where the appealing mix of an artist 's conversation along with Liberman 's descriptions and commentary succeeded well .
20 These opposing views should be brought together in a paragraph or essay .
21 When a German ‘ plane was shot down near Roxton the sergeant navigator who survived was brought in as a patient and I assisted with his reception .
22 It is a rare example of a Scottish company that went to the edge in the early 1980s ( Lord Tombs of Rolls-Royce was brought in as a company doctor to turn it around ) and emerge stronger on the other side as well as maintaining Scottish roots .
23 But Argonaut , brought in as a substitute for Walzerkoenig , ended the German 's week on a happier note with some powerful jumping and nimble turning .
24 In 1855 he had been brought in as a partner to Beyer & Peacock 's Gorton factory in Manchester , recently built for the manufacture of railway locomotives , and he maintained an active role in the management of Beyer , Peacock & Co. until his death .
25 She also found herself naturally in tune with Laura 's taste and , although her job specification was to oversee the entire design structure for clothes , Laura advised her that she ‘ had been brought in as a flanker to Moira ’ .
26 I do n't think Steve Albini was brought in as a statement .
27 But this dog , known as a Mexican hairless , landed him in court when trading standards officers in Felixstowe discovered it had been brought in without a licence .
28 It is the first time troops have been brought in during a dispute since 1978 .
29 ‘ As you realize , ’ he said , ‘ we have been thinking that she might have been murdered outside the City boundaries , and brought in on a meat barrow . ’
30 My problem is with blanketweed which was brought in on a lily plant .
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