Example sentences of "along the [noun sg] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When her morning 's work was finished she thought , as she thought every day , that she would walk along the Mootwalk to Bale 's and at last set her mind at rest .
2 At first , Gloria took Dot along the road to school but it was often difficult for Gloria to get out of bed in time , so they arrived late .
3 Carl is walking along the road to Bar Capri with his mother .
4 The parties to litigation , whether before a court or a tribunal , which results in trial and judgment have resisted many encouragements to settle the claim along the road to trial .
5 ‘ So for the same weekly payments any council tenant can start along the road to ownership .
6 ‘ Christ , they were quick off the mark , Piper , ’ remarked the driver , swinging the jeep round and heading back along the road to Brigade H.Q. Nos. 3 and 6 Commando were pulling out as we entered the village ; no sign of 45 Royal Marine Commando .
7 Progress along the road to Theory Y is all that is realistically possible .
8 The Haynes Publishing Group continued along the road to recovery in the six months to end-November 1992 .
9 BUSINESS services group BET has taken another stride along the road to recovery by slashing its annual loss .
10 Thus , although non-Muslim monotheists , like the Christians and the Jews , had not travelled as far along the road to truth as the Muslims , they were travelling in the same direction .
11 Some of those who did not possess a faith in God which was proof against all adversities now saw that the great hope of a relief force reaching them , which had so far buoyed them up , was an illusory one ; even if a relief now came , in many different ways it would be too late and not only because so many of the garrison were already dead ; India itself was now a different place ; the fiction of happy natives being led forward along the road to civilization could no longer be sustained .
12 Forest envisage the return of Webb , who left them in a Pounds 1.5 million deal three years ago , as a crucial step along the road to safety .
13 Entitled To Advance Further Along the Road to Perestroika , Gorbachev 's address began with the assertion that there had been a " revolutionary stride " in all spheres of life since he first announced perestroika in April 1985 .
14 Place your pointer over the cross , and drag the border along the row to cell L1 , and release the mouse button .
15 He thought perhaps all lying would now be over because he was about to rush along the highway to success , fame and fortune .
16 Visitors should not be put off by the modern appearance of this roof , nor by the notice on the gate to the abbey field which indicates a slight trek back along the lane to Abbey Farm to pick up the key to view St Leonard 's Church , Kirkstead .
17 Whether at the planning stage or up and running , Midland has an Enterprise Counsellor in every branch who can guide you along the path to success .
18 What for the insider might be the purification of a defensible religion by its exposure to scientific criticism , would for the outsider be one more step along the path to destruction as an inherently implausible account of human destiny was shown up for what it is .
19 A rich Christian would wisely put himself and his purse under the guidance of a prudent and austere spiritual director , pointing him along the path to perfection .
20 From the end of the road at Bracorina , a track continues along the lochside to South Tarbet Bay where it crosses a narrow isthmus to Tarbet on Loch Nevis .
21 The less massive body m is in synchronous rotation and the orbital eccentricity is small , and therefore the tide on m always lies along the line to M. Because the tide on M is misaligned then m can exert a twisting force on M called a torque and this tends to produce alignment .
22 Then they soared into the sky as one , to make flight north as a pair along the coast to Wrath .
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