Example sentences of "expected [to-vb] [prep] the end " in BNC.

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1 The working party is expected to report by the end of March 1993 .
2 A separate Jockey Club inquiry into starting procedures , headed by Brigadier Andrew Parker Bowles , is expected to report by the end of the summer when several changes are likely to be recommended .
3 A Jockey Club inquiry into starting procedures , headed by Brigadier Andrew Parker Bowles , is expected to report by the end of the summer .
4 A separate Jockey Club inquiry into starting procedures , headed by Brigadier Andrew Parker Bowles , is expected to report by the end of the summer when several changes are likely to be recommended .
5 The war of resolutions overshadowed the Congress , which should have ended proceedings yesterday but which is expected to continue until the end of the week , as it discusses amendments to the Russian constitution .
6 A few years back each golfer used his own collection of chipped and misshapen balls and the caddies were expected to stand at the end of the practice area and collect them .
7 More urgently , one could be forearmed against the Antichrist , the powerful , personal opponent of Christ who ( as in 1 John 2:18 ) was expected to appear before the end of the world .
8 The US Congress is considering legislation for limited tort reform , he added , but that is not expected to progress before the end of the year .
9 An aim can be taken to be a statement of intent on the part of the teacher , usually expressed in general terms , whilst an objective is a statement describing in specific terms what the student is expected to do at the end of a course of learning experience .
10 The trial is expected to last until the end of the week .
11 Investment in plant and equipment is expected to slow towards the end of the year .
12 Passenger numbers at Knock Airport , built near a Marian shrine four years ago , are expected to double by the end of 1989 .
13 The amount of high level radioactive waste kept at Sellafield Reprocessing plant is estimated to be 1200 meters cubed and the figure is expected to double by the end of the century .
14 Moreover , software is a fast-growing market — the entire European market is currently worth £27,000m , but this figure is expected to double by the end of 1995 .
15 On April 9 the then Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs Abdul Rahman Abdallah as Awadi said that elections were unlikely to be held before August or September 1992 due to the continued absence of an estimated 400,000 Kuwaitis ( including " second category " citizens ) who had left the country during the Iraqi occupation and who were not expected to return before the end of 1991 .
16 Among the many reasons for this are , first , a belief that the spread of the secondary comprehensive school has led to a fall in standards or has failed to lead to the heralded improvement in quality ; and secondly , a raising of expectations , among politicians , parents , employers and young people , about what young people , in the light of growing youth unemployment , should be expected to achieve by the end of the period of compulsory education , especially in preparation for life , work and further/higher education .
17 Testing of prototype products with university , national laboratory and commercial customers is expected to begin by the end of the year .
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