Example sentences of "expected [to-vb] [noun pl] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I mean there 's chaps like myself — about twelve stone ten pounds — you were expected to carry bags of barley at sixteen stone four ; and sometimes there was n't a job for you in the hard days when there was a lot of men out of work .
2 The small supplier firm will often be located near to the big firm , and will be expected to provide supplies on demand .
3 Academic libraries may be expected to contain collections of research papers but too often one has to go to public libraries to find valuable collections of records and documents of local interest .
4 These are expected to attract waves of settlers and slash and burn farmers into the area , leading to widespread forest destruction and the consequent impoverishment of the soil seen elsewhere in Latin America .
5 Denmark and Saxony hired out considerable forces to the anti-French coalition during the War of the Spanish Succession , while Britain employed Russian auxiliaries in 1747–48 and confidently expected to obtain others for use against the American colonists in 1775 .
6 5.2 Staff on the AP grades are expected to supervise members of staff who have had the job complexity reflected in their gradings .
7 The distribution of hoards might also be expected to reflect patterns of warfare and of wealth .
8 These institutions will have their own professional codes of conduct and can therefore be expected to avoid conflicts of interest .
9 This level of command was fixed ie as General Dwight Eisenhower you would not be expected to fly planes into combat , nor as the jockey of a M1 Abrams tank could you try and effect changes in grand strategy .
10 An increasing level of activity is evident in these markets compared with a year ago and the new name is expected to reduce barriers to entry for these services .
11 You re normally expected to vacate halls of residence during vacations , during which time you are not responsible for rent — unlike much of the private housing available .
12 Informants can not , of course , be expected to quantify degrees of abnormality ; but what they can do is distinguish a fully normal sentence from one which is to some degree odd .
13 All local authority auditors are expected to review aspects of value for money as part of their annual audit programme .
14 During the meetings ministers were not expected to raise objections to decisions affecting other ministries , much less to challenge the chair .
15 Television stations would be expected to broadcast photographs of guerrilla leaders with offers of rewards for information .
16 The stone jetty and landing-stage with staircase is expected to bring bids of £50,000–£100,000 and a second carved stone staircase with balustrade is estimated at £20,000–£40,000 .
17 A follow-up study by Jim Ogg , based at the Royal London Hospital , is expected to reveal links between carers who abuse and levels of stress they are under .
18 Both Sun Microsystems Inc , due to announce systems based upon Viking on May 19th , and UK Sparc-builder ICL , which has already announced its Viking intentions ( UX No 371 ) , are expected to make statements about Viking availability on the 7th .
19 The goal of the group , according to Tim Newell of OSTP , is to propose specific ways to carry out the president 's technology initiative announced in February , but the group is also expected to make recommendations for programmes to be included in the budget for fiscal year 1995 that will be submitted to Congress next winter .
20 Quietly , UI is also expected to begin relationships with firms other than USL for technology development on its behalf .
21 The two sides , led by Iraq 's permanent representative at the UN , Abdul Amir al-Anbari , and a UN Assistant Secretary-General and Controller at the Office of Planning , Budget and Finance , Kofi Annan , were expected to resume discussions in February .
22 A female fruit fly , simply because of her tiny size , can hardly be expected to produce eggs in numbers to rival a cod , but even so , she can lay two thousand in a season in batches of a hundred at a time .
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