Example sentences of "giving [art] [noun sg] to the " in BNC.

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1 It was a mistake them giving the drive to the Frasque , was n't it ?
2 In it was a photograph of long-haired youths , some with cameras , giving the V-sign to the Russian tanks trying to disperse them with water cannon .
3 The show runs to about 600 entries and — giving the lie to the recession in the art trade — is crowded both with visitors and red stickers .
4 It was their deep love for the Llŷn landscape , and a desire to keep it protected for future generations , which prompted the three Keating sisters , Honora , Lorna and Eileen , and their eighty-year-old mother to buy Plas-yn-Rhiw and its fifty-eight acres in 1939 ; later they purchased over 300 acres more with the express purpose of giving the land to the trust .
5 Dawa confessed , at the time of her arrest , to giving the flag to the monk and in late 1990 she reportedly received a three-year term of ‘ re-education through labour ’ .
6 When a patient comes to me for regression , I do in fact record the session on cassette , giving the tape to the patient at the end of the consultation .
7 The judge signed the committal warrant and the police conveyed Mr. Butler to prison , giving the warrant to the governor .
8 ‘ Bluff ’ is a recipe which consists of giving the impression to the public that the police know what they are doing when they do not .
9 In spite of her angry and tearful protests Charles insisted on giving the token to the woman who had haunted their courtship and has since cast a long shadow across their married life .
10 Tim Moulds , Head of Personnel , and a member of the Fair Trade Foundation Board , introduced the paper giving the background to the Foundation .
11 She was a bloody genius to think of giving the food to the men on the bank .
12 Edward Miall argued in the 1840s that giving the vote to the working class would give them that sense of citizen responsibility which they were said to lack , and that as a result the middle class would be able to " lead them almost whithersoever they please . "
13 It may well be that Mark made the events fit a single week because the Church was already celebrating a ‘ Holy Week ’ , thereby giving a structure to the early Christian celebrations .
14 Before we go on to explore these pattern types , it is worth giving a thought to the reason why I have concentrated only on slip , knit and tuck stitch types so far .
15 a personal letter for each child giving a welcome to the school to be shared by the parent with the child .
16 He was giving a slant to the facts that was difficult to counter , and if she said too much she was afraid of betraying Peter 's trust .
17 Begin by giving a name to the probability , however low it is , that life will originate on any randomly designated planet of some particular type .
18 And I 'm giving a voice to the hundreds of people who do n't have a voice .
19 Relatives and friends of patients at the hospice can now have their loved ones honoured in a leather bound In Memoriam volume by giving a donation to the hospice fund-raising appeal .
20 Since the environmental rhythm is giving a time-cue to the organism it is called a zeitgeber ( from the German , Zeit — time ; geber — to give ) .
21 The slave trade and slavery subsumed many of these tensions and ambivalences , giving a focus to the categories of question troubling many English men and women and did so by directing powerful anxieties on to phenomena at some geographical and social distance from most people .
22 Joanna Baker , the Festival 's director of marketing and public affairs , spoke to a number of design houses before finally giving a brief to the Edinburgh firm of McIlroy Coates .
23 This also had the advantage of giving a signal to the money markets .
24 The Salvadorean people are giving a lesson to the whole world , and especially to the North Americans , because even after almost three years of finding ourselves beset by the guerrilla , a total misgovernment by the PDC and a catastrophic foreign intervention , we still have the moral integrity " to continue protecting against such a calamity " , financed and encouraged in part by the leftist sectors which have infiltrated the North American government …
25 Stratimirović tried to prevent Vuk from publishing his grammar by invoking an order of Leopold II giving a monopoly to the publishing of books in Serbian to the Serbian press in Buda , which , unlike that in Vienna , was under the influence of the Church .
26 When Mother Theresa received the Nobel Peace Prize she amazed the world by giving every penny to the poor of Calcutta .
27 The Russian Federation Supreme Soviet sent a delegation to the region , but it was said that Russian Vice-President Aleksandr Rutskoi had exacerbated the situation by giving an ultimatum to the National Guard to disband on Oct. 10 , in return for the holding of presidential elections on Oct. 27 .
28 ‘ But apparently the street lights had come on and their electric glare was filtered through the torn mesh of dusty leaves , giving an elegance to the street which it had otherwise forgotten .
29 Much of the information has come from surviving aces and their families , giving an immediacy to the stories not always found in other books .
30 He was at all times happy , said his lordship , to give his assent to any measure that could relieve the unfortunate debtor without giving an opportunity to the adulterer , the swindler etc. to take advantage of the same law — .
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