Example sentences of "makes [pron] [adj] that [det] " in BNC.

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1 The apostle Paul , answering the anxious questions of Christians whose loved ones had died , reminded them that Jesus ' own victory over death makes it certain that those who have come into a close relationship with him will share his new , full life which goes beyond the grave .
2 The fact that some deaf people appear to use a completely different form of coding just as effectively , makes it essential that some re-assessment of the models be made .
3 This action plan makes it evident that many of the organisational improvements recommended are in fact features synonymous with an ‘ openly run ’ school with an ‘ open ’ form of decision-making .
4 Which makes it unfortunate that most of them were penned in watching the TV with their goggling , chain-smoking parents .
5 In such cases , as in the community care of frail elderly , the involvement of different professionals in working together makes it inevitable that such differences of perspective and emphasis will arise .
6 In many of these cases and in other qualifying transactions ( such as take-overs ) , the firm is allowed not to treat the investor as a customer , if it makes it clear that that is the case ; SFA has suggested the wording for the disclaimer .
7 But immediately Hilton makes it clear that such a life-style involves an active life of its own if the peace that is sought is to be found , for it may not be had : This has been defined earlier as : Such an active component of spiritual endeavour is a concomitant of man 's temporal nature .
8 While the rules do not prevent this , Home Officer Circular 48/1991 , para 58 makes it clear that such an arrangement involves unnecessary duplication and should only be allowed in exceptional circumstances .
9 The product makes it clear that all we are doing , in fact , is to operate with the rows of A in a manner similar to that often used in the condensation of determinants .
10 This makes it clear that all reasonable expenses incurred in minimising loss and protecting insured property from further loss will be recoverable under the Marine Policy .
11 This makes it clear that each pupil is entitled , as a result of the law , to a broad and balanced curriculum which is relevant to his or her particular needs .
12 For example , the term ‘ concession ’ , which is used widely in relation to the promotion of desirable benefits , implies a favour to a second-class citizen ; whereas another term , such as ‘ off-peak tariff reduction ’ , makes it clear that any resulting business is a bonus to the provider , as well as a benefit to the recipient .
13 This makes it clear that both Louis played at the Opéra .
14 Samuel Rudder 's description of Fromebridge mills in 1779 makes it clear that this was a busy and important place .
15 But later on he makes it clear that this is so , at least in part , because the supposedly inevitable outcome of that choice is not really neutral :
16 The convention speaks of ‘ the freedom to send judicial documents , by postal channels , directly to persons abroad ’ , but makes it clear that this is subject to any objection by the state of destination .
17 Dover Wilson makes it clear that this is an interpretation , since the second Quarto gives ‘ too too sallied ’ and the first Folio ‘ too too solid ’ ( Dover Wilson , 1934 ) .
18 Our work in Belfast , however , and that of colleagues in other cities , makes it clear that this can not be convincingly demonstrated .
19 As in much self-conscious fiction , we are constantly being reminded of the fictionality of the novel , but Verbivore makes it clear that this fictionality also applies to the ‘ simulations ’ of the media which its ‘ fictions ’ purportedly replace .
20 The availability of CD-I , CDTV and DVI in 1991 makes it clear that this fundamental change has come to stay .
21 The lengthy preamble makes it clear that this Directive is a harmonisation measure requiring member states to equalise the level of protection granted to consumers when they enter into contracts with traders , businessmen or professionals .
22 Despite such contradictions the unanimity of the manuscripts in the preservation of the first sixty-five titles makes it clear that these did constitute a code , and it seems probable that other surviving legislation postdates this compilation , and was , at times , intended to complement it .
23 This makes it clear that those customers have a direct customer relationship with the firm itself , and the customer agreement must therefore be entered into by the firm .
24 It also makes it clear that those artificial targets can be revised and that should be the focus of our campaign to make sure that they are revised , to make sure that they take account of the real concerns in the real world .
25 We want something written into the Bill that makes it likely that some of the consumer safeguards will become a reality .
26 This makes it unlikely that such a fund will be established .
27 That was in 1973 : the escalation of jury awards in more recent libel cases makes it unlikely that such a plea will be repeated by a defending editor .
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