Example sentences of "held a [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Although Mr Hornsby was quick to stress that the investors have held a dialogue with the Revenue and have nothing to hide , he admitted that they got ‘ very upset ’ when letters from the Revenue began arriving .
2 A group of women lumberjacks have held a reunion in the woodland where some of them worked during World War Two .
3 The various buildings on the New Cross site also held a part of the University of London , a teacher education college , and in the late seventies the Laban School of Dancing .
4 Those who hold or have held a professorship in the British Isles are not eligible , and any publications cited or listed in connection with a previous successful candidature for an RSC award will not considered by the assessors .
5 Up to 5,000 ethnic Turks and members of the Pomak community ( descendants of Bulgarians converted to Islam during Ottoman rule ) had held a vigil outside the National Assembly building on Dec. 28-29 , but had dispersed after the contents of the resolution had been disclosed to them by National Assembly Speaker Stanko Todorov .
6 In two by-elections for the National Assembly , the DLP lost a seat in the North Chungchong province and only narrowly held a seat in the southern city of Taegu , a traditional conservative stronghold , after an intensive and expensive campaign .
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