Example sentences of "held [prep] [adj] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 At the same time elections were held for 37 of the 46 seats in the Ständerat ( upper house ) in 20 of the 26 cantons and half-cantons .
2 The initial one-to-one meeting , held with one of the two group leaders , serves to clarify what participants can expect from the course and what is expected of them .
3 Ceremonies to welcome them — known as the Rite of Election and Affirmation — were held in 18 of the 22 Catholic cathedrals in England and Wales on the same day .
4 Each Saturday there will be guided tours for two of the churches on the list , while on the first and third Saturday of every month a concert of classical music will be held in one of the churches , the takings from which will go towards restoring a work of art .
5 Stocks should be sub-classified in the balance sheet or notes to the financial statements to indicate the amounts held in each of the main categories of balance sheet formats of 4 Sch .
6 Sub-classify stocks in the balance sheet or notes to accounts to show the amounts held in each of the main categories in the standard balance sheet format .
7 At the conference held in 1888 by the three compositors " unions , the Typographical Association ( English provinces ) , the London Society of Compositors and the Scottish Typographical Association , specifically to discuss the Edinburgh question , the following resolution was passed : That while strongly of the opinion that women are not physically capable of performing the duties of a compositor , the Conference recommends their admission to membership of the various typographical unions upon the same conditions as journeymen , provided always the females are paid strictly in accordance with the scale .
8 Despite the fact that it was in the open air , the roof held in some of the smoke , which Charity now felt was reaching killing proportions .
9 ‘ The artists resolved to hold the Sarajevan Festival of the Arts , which was first held in 1984 at the Winter Olympics , as a gesture towards civilised life and civic identity .
10 New books which Prestel only issues in English include Picasso and Braque , the collected contributions to the symposium held in 1990 during the exhibition of the same title at the Museum of Modern Art in New York ( DM68 ) , and Josef Hoffmann-Designs , a monograph on the great Viennese designer ( 1870 to 1956 ) , published to coincide with the exhibition at the IBM Gallery , New York ( DM68 ; exhibition until 23 January ) .
11 Instead , a seminar was held in 1990 at the premises of the Soviet cultural foundation , with leading Sotheby 's experts taking part .
12 During March talks were held in particular with the KLD , led by Jan Krzysztof Bielecki ( who had preceded Olszewzski as Prime Minister ) , and with the UD led by Tadeusz Mazowiecki ( who preceded Bielecki ) .
13 After the performance supper was held in three of the State Rooms .
14 Please note that meetings will not be held on all of the dates given on the form , but I can not say at this early stage how many will actually need to take place .
15 In November it was agreed that a Constituent Assembly should be created to draw up a schedule of meetings to be held on each of the four Windward Islands in 1991 and to decide on the form of the proposed referendum to be held in each state .
16 In fact he won three , but lost the record he had held since 1979 for the heaviest twin berries .
17 The Golf Monthly /Glenmuir Masterclass will be held at one of the leading golf facilities in the West of Scotland on January 15 and 16 1993 .
18 The man was too weak for chloroform and had to be held by two of the dispensers , yet he did not utter a groan throughout the operation .
19 This was the position held by many of the Gnostics , Abelard , Ritschl and those who express syncretistic sentiments within the ecumenical movement .
20 Johnny Marr simply clutched his twelve-string Rickenbacker ( Which once belonged to one of his heroes , Roger McGuinn from The Byrds ) and concentrated on the meagre task of fulfilling the promise held by one of the most eagerly awaited début albums in history .
21 It 's work like this from the front line of action as it happens , that has provided some of the most spectacular photographs held by one of the world 's largest picture agencies , Popperfoto .
22 The project marks the fulfilment of a dream which was held by one of the city 's legendary entrepreneurs , the late Lord Leverhulme , who started building work on the replica castle in 1912 .
23 This is a view that is widely held by those around the court itself .
24 Throughout the war there operated a " political truce " in accordance with which each major party agreed not to contest seats formerly held by any of the others .
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