Example sentences of "held [adj] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Dismissive of the ‘ corridor opportunites ’ , he fails to mention that , so far , the Foreign Secretaries of the UK and Argentina have had their first meeting since the 1982 Falklands War , that the Israeli and Soviet Foreign Ministers have got together as has the US Secretary of State with his Israeli and Egyptian counterparts , or that the two German Foreign Ministers have held extensive talks on the current crisis — all with apparently good results : quite useful when several of these countries have no diplomatic relations with each other .
2 It has also held discreet discussions with the Hungarian Government -although progress is slow .
3 There 's new hopes for the stalled Middle East peace process as the Palestine Liberation Organization confirms it 's held direct talks with the Israeli government .
4 Review workshops will be held 5–6 months after the programme to evaluate progress in the workplace , offering individual consultancy and assistance with implementation of Personal Action Plans .
5 He described himself as ‘ a young man of pure British descent , some of whose forefathers have held high positions in the British army .
6 Held previous appointments at the Universities of Sheffield , Wales [ St David 's University College ] and Strathclyde .
7 Never having designed anything like this before Cusick privately held many worries about the cost and ease of manufacturing these props .
8 The rise of the Nevilles and the Percies in the late fourteenth century was the first occasion when families of genuine northern origin came into the front rank of the nobility — one may exclude the duchy of Lancaster from any such comment , because it was closely connected with the royal family and also held substantial lands in the Midlands and the South .
9 In 1166 Peter 's great-grandfather , Thurstin de Montfort II , had held ten fees from the earl of Warwick , making him the second greatest of his tenants .
10 The idea of a referendum had been supported by a petition with 516,000 signatures ; any such referendum would have to be held five months before the elections , planned for June 1992 .
11 The common feature of all members of the Town Boys group was that they had all held dominant roles within the Rowdies group or its equivalent at some stage in their careers .
12 Since joining the company in 1977 as Cargo Planning Assistant , he has held several positions within the company and has spent time on secondments in South Africa and Dubai .
13 Most recently a Director of P&O Containers in Australia , responsible for Trades and Operations , he has held several positions within the company in both Sydney and London .
14 Since graduating from Lincoln College with a degree in Agricultural Science , he has held several positions within the meat industry , in New Zealand and London , and has been particularly involved in export marketing .
15 The sojourn at Swanage seems indeed to have held magic times for the couple only a few months wed , in those days before the later estrangement .
16 We are told that Dounreay has held preliminary discussions with the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation about reprocessing spent fuel from the High Flux Australian reactor .
17 The new parliament would have 240 seats instead of the 400 in the outgoing Grand National Assembly , to which Bulgaria 's first free elections had been held in June 1990 [ see pp. 37543-44 ] , and in which the BSP had held 211 seats to the UDF 's 144 ; BSP and UDF deputies had formed a coalition government in December 1990 [ see p. 37923 ] .
18 Two others , Mr Constantin Pirvulescu and Mr Gheorghe Apostol , both held senior positions in the party during the Ceausescu era , which dates from the mid-Sixties .
19 At national level , Adamu M. Fika and Stephen B Agodo , both of whom had previously held senior posts in the Cabinet office , were named as the administrative secretaries ; a further 44 secretaries were appointed at state level .
20 The PSOE government at first tried to break the pattern by appointing a ‘ professional ’ businessman to the chairmanship in 1983 , and by purging those who had come to RENFE as a result of their political connections with earlier governments ( see Diario 16 , 4 , 5 February 1983 ) ; about twenty people who had held senior posts in the previous UCD administration were on RENFE 's pay roll when the PSOE came to power ( Cinco Días , 2 November 1983 ) .
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