Example sentences of "held [adj] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Dismissive of the ‘ corridor opportunites ’ , he fails to mention that , so far , the Foreign Secretaries of the UK and Argentina have had their first meeting since the 1982 Falklands War , that the Israeli and Soviet Foreign Ministers have got together as has the US Secretary of State with his Israeli and Egyptian counterparts , or that the two German Foreign Ministers have held extensive talks on the current crisis — all with apparently good results : quite useful when several of these countries have no diplomatic relations with each other .
2 Then he invited me to a gypsy baptism which was to be held that night in the suburb of Vallecas .
3 It was held that property in the incomplete ship passed on payment of the first instalment but that no property passed at that time in some materials which were Lying in the ship yard and might be used in the ship 's construction .
4 In this business , as soon as one meal is complete there is a need to start on the next , and the ACC chefs of the battalion , lunch behind them , had now to prepare for the functions to be held that evening in the Officers ' , and Warrant Officers ' and Sergeants ' Messes for 180 and 350 people respectively .
5 She shuddered , completely at a loss to know what he meant , yet held helpless prisoner by the dark thrall of his warning .
6 Beneath the Castle Esplanade , where the famous Tattoo is held each year during the International Festival , there is a picturesque group of buildings which includes the house of Allan Ramsay , the eighteenth century poet .
7 It has also held discreet discussions with the Hungarian Government -although progress is slow .
8 There 's new hopes for the stalled Middle East peace process as the Palestine Liberation Organization confirms it 's held direct talks with the Israeli government .
9 Review workshops will be held 5–6 months after the programme to evaluate progress in the workplace , offering individual consultancy and assistance with implementation of Personal Action Plans .
10 I had someone come to see me the other week from the R S P C A because they said this cat was held forty foot in the air
11 Following the huge popularity of previous events , the fifth Mobility Roadshow will be held this year at the same venue on 21 to 23 June .
12 Then he began to recite a litany of the individual bones and of the past Commanders who had held this fortress-monastery for the Emperor .
13 The machines ' official debut will be held this week at the International Oracle Conference in San Francisco , followed by a showing at Unix Expo in New York later this month .
14 THE annual meeting of Hampton and District Royal British Legion Club is being held this evening at the New Inn , Hampton , starting 8pm .
15 He is the first Catholic to have held this office in the 103-year history of the county council .
16 Uncover mystery , magic , suspense and comedy in an exciting new exhibition to be held this summer in the Royal Museum of Scotland in Chambers Street .
17 Illus.1 conveys this well , not least by the way the baton is shown as held some way towards the middle .
18 He described himself as ‘ a young man of pure British descent , some of whose forefathers have held high positions in the British army .
19 But the similarity goes further : Miltiades had been a great figure in the early colonial days of Athens : his pocket principality in the Chersonese was in the van of Pisistratid expansion ( for good relations between the tyrants and Miltiades in the 520s see the archon-list ML 6 = Fornara 23 , belying Herodotus : Miltiades had held high office under the tyrants ) .
20 and I share some common history , for in our early adult life , both of us have held high office in the Anglican Church .
21 It must in the first place be said that women in the past were not for example doctors or politicians , so it is hardly surprising that they should not have held public office in the church .
22 Held previous appointments at the Universities of Sheffield , Wales [ St David 's University College ] and Strathclyde .
23 Never having designed anything like this before Cusick privately held many worries about the cost and ease of manufacturing these props .
24 The rise of the Nevilles and the Percies in the late fourteenth century was the first occasion when families of genuine northern origin came into the front rank of the nobility — one may exclude the duchy of Lancaster from any such comment , because it was closely connected with the royal family and also held substantial lands in the Midlands and the South .
25 In 1166 Peter 's great-grandfather , Thurstin de Montfort II , had held ten fees from the earl of Warwick , making him the second greatest of his tenants .
26 The idea of a referendum had been supported by a petition with 516,000 signatures ; any such referendum would have to be held five months before the elections , planned for June 1992 .
27 The common feature of all members of the Town Boys group was that they had all held dominant roles within the Rowdies group or its equivalent at some stage in their careers .
28 Since joining the company in 1977 as Cargo Planning Assistant , he has held several positions within the company and has spent time on secondments in South Africa and Dubai .
29 Most recently a Director of P&O Containers in Australia , responsible for Trades and Operations , he has held several positions within the company in both Sydney and London .
30 Since graduating from Lincoln College with a degree in Agricultural Science , he has held several positions within the meat industry , in New Zealand and London , and has been particularly involved in export marketing .
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