Example sentences of "come to an [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 What I 'm trying to establish in in a fairly simplified form actually , are the areas of difference and whether some of those are still capable of being reconciled , because of the way in which you a you know the the the different parties may have made different approaches but in fact you might come to an agreement about that .
2 The Post Office says it hopes the two sides can come to an agreement at a branch meeting this evening .
3 He must also come to an agreement with the customer with regard to performance characteristics , key schedule dates , costs , and funding .
4 He added : ‘ I would be very sad if we could not come to an agreement with the tanker owners .
5 UI , an $11m affair , wants to retain its input into X/Open , but unless it can come to an arrangement over some other form of membership which OSF has so far failed to secure , it is likely to turn in its cards at the end of the year .
6 A brilliant officer with more than twenty commendations , he had grown to believe he was omnipotent ; and when Mathews refused to tell him the names of his accomplices , saying it was more than his life was worth , Drury , obsessed with clearing up another case , offered him a deal : make a statement that three men whose names I will give you were your accomplices , testify against them in the witness-box , and in return no charges will be brought against you , and we 'll come to an arrangement about the reward money offered by the Post Office .
7 How well most dereligionized pupils can come to an understanding of the profound significance of such stories for religious people depends on teaching which is both informative and inspiring .
8 We could never come to an understanding with the Communists …
9 Modrow 's precondition of military neutrality in order to " safeguard " other countries ' " rights and interests " was " strictly reject[ed] " by West German Federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl , who declared : " We will come to an understanding about the steps on the road to German unity with an East Germany that emerges from free elections . "
10 Steam really did come to an end on BR when the state-owned narrow-gauge Vale of Rheidol was sold , not without tears , to the Brecon Mountain Railway .
11 Normally , New Scientist heralds the beginning of April with a few jeux d'esprit , but this year it was subdued , predicting only that the world would come to an end on 5 April , a prophecy based on meat consumption figures , though it was hard to make up the mind about an item called ‘ What the woodlouse can teach us about marriage ’ .
12 If the case had been one of estoppel , it might be said that in any event the estoppel would cease when the conditions to which the representation applied came to an end , or it also might be said that it would only come to an end on notice .
13 These indicate that time itself had a beginning about fifteen billion years ago and that it may come to an end at some point in the future .
14 Their histories , in real time , would come to an end at a singularity .
15 It would have had a beginning in the big bang , about fifteen billion years ago , and it would come to an end for a star that collapsed and for anything that fell into the black hole the collapsing star left behind .
16 Anything or anyone who falls into the black hole through the event horizon will come to an end of time at the singularity .
17 Nor does the estate come to an end with the tenant 's death : it passes to his heirs , but only to a limited class of heirs , ‘ the heirs of his body ’ , that is , his descendants .
18 This stage will come to an end with some of the ferrets staying above ground while others remain underground working on rabbits they have cornered .
19 The synergetic model of two gallery owners , Burnett Miller from Los Angeles and Claes Nordenhake from Stockholm , located in the centre of Cologne 's Belgian quarter at Bismarckstrasse 60 , will come to an end with their last joint presentation at the Contemporary Art Fair in Brussels .
20 One of the 37's on certain Liverpool Cardiff services will come to an end with the increasing arrival of the 158's .
21 Middlesbrough adopted HMS Jupiter in 1975 and the 17-year relationship will come to an end with a ceremonial farewell .
22 Many prophets in the tenth century believed that the world would come to an end in the year 1000 , but according to A. J. Gurevich the legends concerning mass psychoses in Europe as the year 1000 approached originated at the end of the fifteenth century when people really were afraid that the end of the world was imminent .
23 Jobs can come to an end in an unorthodox and unplanned way .
24 A booking contract will normally come to an end in any of three ways :
25 A partnership may come to an end in any one of a number of different ways , as follows .
26 This morning the workforce learned it would all come to an end in three months time .
27 THE longest fashion show in the history of the Borders knitwear industry — it has lasted 50 days — will come to an end in a blaze of colour and patriotism tomorrow , writes WILLIAM CHISHOLM .
28 1 Samuel 4 renews the story of the conflict between the two peoples , and that rivalry remains a major feature of the account of Saul 's reign , and does not come to an end till victories won by David , described in 2 Samuel 5 .
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