Example sentences of "come to [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In a brief statement Edwards said : ‘ I have told my board colleagues that I will not be rushed and will come to a decision towards the end of the season . ’
2 In a brief statement Edwards said : ‘ I have told my board colleagues that I will not be rushed and will come to a decision towards the end of the season . ’
3 But your conclusion can properly come to a decision on one side , and need not remain balanced ( so avoid : " both sides have their virtues and it is difficult to decide between them " ) .
4 Easier to imagine him here , thinking : ‘ Is it worth it ? ’ , for if he rolled his rock up this slope he would come to a heap of rubbish — and when it rolled back it would end up in another even bigger heap .
5 This , it was suggested , could lead to a situation of ‘ dual power ’ , which might come to a head over the ‘ nationalisation ’ of some foreign-owned factory which would be ‘ occupied ’ on behalf of the Irish nation .
6 erm , but , it , it does come to a question of fact and of course we do n't know what was in the notification , what information the er , the market administrator 's , supervisors , er gave to the commission about the market and the market shares , er very little is actually stated in the
7 He weighed her up for a moment , his wide mouth compressed and then asked : ‘ D'ye think Isobel would come to a ball with me ? ’
8 The fees for sending a child to school can come to a quarter of the parents ' cash income .
9 You know , there 's a certain sort of man who would come to a joint like this in order to fuck the women in it .
10 I thought it unlikely that it would come to a showdown about me being a lesbian , but felt clear that the chances of being disciplined were high .
11 Evolution will come to a standstill until something in the conditions changes : the onset of an ice age , a change in the average rainfall of the area , a shift in the prevailing wind .
12 We 've got Y equals a half of this thing four X cubed minus X squared , then D Y by D X would come to a half of two times
13 If convincing contrary evidence is presented within that period , they should come to a settlement with the buyer .
14 Fifthly and finally , anyone reacting to a significant loss will come to a time of acceptance .
15 We 'll come to a strategy for coping with these differences in a moment .
16 The show will come to a close with the Scotts Feeds Inter Hunt Team chase .
17 That is what the County Council is presently discussing and will come to a conclusion on February the twelfth , and I believe following that conclusion some small primary schools may seek to opt out .
18 You are floating along a quiet river now , you do n't see the water boiling at the foot of the great rocks , but one day you 'll come to a point in life 's stream where the wild force of the waves may destroy you , where the noisy rushing water may drown you !
19 Erm but I think it cheered him up saying oh do you wan na come to a party at the weekend sort of thing .
20 I know that the summaries of guidance is is in that list , and from the brief discussion we had at the careers officer 's meeting this week about summaries of guidance , I know we 're starting off the process by having representatives come to a meeting on the eleventh of May .
21 I know it 's quite , the stamp duty can come to a lot of money ca n't it ?
22 What Eleanor did tell him however , was that she was about to go on holiday but that she hoped he would come to a meal in her flat when she returned .
23 Erm obviously you 've seen what Ro what Roy has put in and obviously you 'll come to a view on the position .
24 No my my own view and it 's I I do n't know if I 've come to a view on the relative weight of those sorts of considerations er I I 'd need to think about it some more before I could come to a view on that .
25 Cos Norman sa , they would n't come to a house like that .
26 But you do come to a limit with long sentences .
27 general propositions … [ are ] certainly true … yet we can come to no knowledge of them merely by our senses ; because they can not reach to all the particulars included in the subjects of them .
28 However , given a reasonable state of preservation , you should come to no harm at Scourie ; and most days will see you happily tramping anything up to six miles , fishing perhaps a dozen different waters along the way , with golden eagle , red deer and curlew for company .
29 Can I honestly reassure her that she will come to no harm in pursuing this phenomenon ?
30 What I 'm trying to establish in in a fairly simplified form actually , are the areas of difference and whether some of those are still capable of being reconciled , because of the way in which you a you know the the the different parties may have made different approaches but in fact you might come to an agreement about that .
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