Example sentences of "simply do not [vb infin] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 my Lord then all , what , then , was not restricting competition because the people you have excluded are not people who would be in the market in any event , you are already saying we 've got the level of the , the , the hurdle , the wall or the barrier to such a low level that anybody who 's outside it , it is simply not a competitor , we 've got everybody in the market who could conceivably deserve to be there , but there 's no restriction , no you maybe excluding criminals or fraudsters for a , until they 've been re rehabilitated , er and you 're excluding people who simply do not deserve to be there as competitors at all , but no capability of right to compete and that 's why there is no restriction , everybody is in the charm circle who wants to be there and is capable of competing and that 's what the commission are trying to get the rules down to , making sure that no one is outside of the wall who should be inside of the wall and that 's why of course at the end of the day they can give their clearances , there 's no restriction .
2 Occasionally we hear of staff abuse and there is outrage , but more often than not we simply do not think of what it means to be old or shut away .
3 Many new towns on the fringe of the affluent south-east are so heavily populated by young married couples that they simply do not cater for retired people in any of their social activities ; similarly , you may be pushed to find an under-30s ' club in a retirement village on the south coast .
4 In addition , there are some excellent hypnotherapists who just do not have the right personality to work in the field of past-life regression — and , of course , there are others who simply do not wish to .
5 Given that these questions ask for purely factual information about the schools in which they work , it seems that the more junior teachers in many cases simply do not know about what their school is doing about such matters .
6 We often simply do not know in what ways people in the past were drawing on ideas about obligations , rights or duties when they provided assistance for their kin ( Medick and Sabean , 1984 , pp. 20–1 ) .
7 At this distance in time we simply do not know in detail how the clerks did their jobs , for there were no manuals of office procedure , and the functional tasks gradually evolved so that they bore little resemblance to their forebears .
8 What all this suggests is that people themselves may anticipate that a particular type of credit would be difficult for them to arrange , and therefore simply do not apply for it .
9 They simply do not put into effect the rules that the Community agrees .
10 Thus in Hieracium , and in many other asexual groups , the plants growing in a region simply do not fall into a number of natural kinds .
11 ‘ I simply did not think of it . ’
12 He simply did not want to be solemn .
13 His public relations executive is probably working hard enough on his account , but they simply did not keep in touch on a regular basis .
14 In Britain and the world of the new century which approaches we will need to give the enhancement and protection of our environment a prominence which simply did not enter into the consciousness of earlier generations .
15 Idealism , then , simply did not look as if it had much to say about the major events in international relations in the 1930s .
16 Many terrestrial forms simply did not live in environments in which preservation was possible .
17 Radio 1 was the most complete form of specialization on a radio station and the last before the BBC accepted that the Reith/Haley commitment to ‘ mixed ’ programming on each station simply did not correspond to listening preferences .
18 The chemistry simply did not work in the same way .
19 Information to which you have no read access simply does not appear in query outputs ; you are not informed that there is LIFESPAN information in the relational database of which you have no visibility .
20 Leapor simply does not fit into such a view of the mid-eighteenth century .
21 In my opinion , the information with which your Lordships are here concerned simply does not fit into the definition in the subsection .
22 It has been pointed out that the behaviour of zebras simply does not match with this picture of them standing very still in broken cover .
23 Official nature conservation policies in France are only very recent in origin so the framework of protected sites simply does not exist on the scale and extent it does in the UK .
24 In Scotland and Northern Ireland , for instance , the shortage of qualified staff simply does not exist on the same grand scale as in some parts of England , and central London particularly .
25 But the most striking thing about Bagehot 's essay on Peel , in the light of the last full week of this election campaign , is that it simply does not apply to Major at all .
26 Further , there are so many instances of what I call ‘ partial mens rea offences ’ , that is crimes in which mens rea runs to some but not all of the elements in the actus reus , that the alleged principle simply does not square with the data .
27 One problem with the orthodox account is that it simply does not square with the facts about when and where riots happen — and in particular , whereabouts in the prison system they occur .
28 Justice simply does not seem to be built into the system .
29 He simply does not need to be loved , apparently , whether by his relatives or anyone else ; he does not even , at all reliably , want it .
30 But he simply does not come to grips with the genuine political and cultural difficulty of establishing effective institutions for research in applied sciences , such as agriculture and medicine , which can not be seeded entirely by individual commitment and talent .
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