Example sentences of "simply [vb infin] the [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The designer can thus either simply design the copper track layout first , and then make the board the correct size to accommodate it , or alternatively define the size of the board to start with and then try to make the copper track pattern fit it .
2 Consequently , a tender offer gives the board of the target much less time to organise its defences and , given the lack of any argument and persuasion on the part of the buyer in the tender advertisement , no detailed guide as to what it is defending against ( defensive statements may simply display the target board 's paranoia ) .
3 If all were re-appointed , in a replay of 1964 , the claim that franchises were ‘ competitive ’ would begin to look hollow , and would simply confirm the Pilkington Committee 's judgement that to all intents ‘ the appointment of a programme contractor is virtually irrevocable ’ ( Pilkington , 1962 , p. 165 ) .
4 In the majority of cases you will simply send the application form and use the completed forms as the means of eliminating the applicants who are clearly unsuitable .
5 If you need more forms simply contact the Fundraising Department or photocopy the one supplied .
6 According to the study 's author , Dr Hansgert Quadflieg , the widespread introduction of electric cars " may simply transfer the problem pollution somewhere else .
7 There are many groups ( 4000 in Birmingham alone ) and it is difficult to boil all interests down to something called " class " ; on a number of issues ( and at certain levels of the state ) we can discover a pattern of competitive interest-group politics in which no one group appears to be overwhelmingly dominant ; and on occasions the state does simply referee the group struggle and is content to ratify the outcome of the balance of competing forces .
8 Bureaucracies do not simply enter the policy-making process at the stage of implementation .
9 We must not simply take the victims role .
10 In Ventura is it always worth having a completely blank style sheet — except for Body Text , that is — because if anything goes wrong and you need to recover the information you can simply change the style sheet to this blank one .
11 If the level of this is set too high , there may be an adjuster which controls it , or you may be able to simply bend the float arm down to the correct level .
12 This would simply intensify the class cleavage by removing the middle tier which now spans the gulf between top and bottom . ’
13 Making R2 any lower in value will simply increase the noise level as well as the wanted signal , and will probably not improve performance .
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