Example sentences of "member [prep] [art] [noun sg] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 As a major sponsor of ACE jobs in the area and a member of the management committees of various other projects , we felt his contribution would be valuable .
2 Veteran comic Charlie Chester , a fellow member of the Water Rats showbiz charity , said : ‘ He was like a cross between Robb Wilton and WC Fields with that big mournful expression on his face .
3 However , Lush have recently hardened-up , and MIKI and CHRIS have partaken in the Lollapalooza Bile Ritual , in which a member of the crew feeds ( those of a nervous disposition skip this bit — Green-faced Ed ) a seven-foot-long plastic tube into his gut via a nostril , into which a quart of lager , a squirt of tomato ketchup and a portion of chocolate sauce are pumped .
4 He was also a prominent member of the Woolhope Naturalists Field Club , a well-respected society mainly devoted to the archaeology of Herefordshire .
5 If the ad contains the words Company Member of the Master Locksmiths Association , and/or displays the MLA 's distinctive logo of two crossed keys ( reproduced here ) , you can be confident that you 've made the right choice .
6 It is chaired by , a practising auditor , a member of the Auditing Practices Board and chairman of the Accounts Commission in Scotland .
7 Cosmos , Europe 's largest Coach Tour Operator , is a bonded member of the Tour Operators ' Study group ( TOSG ) an association of Britain 's leading Tour Companies .
8 The funeral of former Blackhall Rocks woman Mary Jane Thompson , 72 , an active member of the village WI and drama group , takes place at Harrogate today .
9 From 1885 to 1888 and in 1894 he was a committee member of the Art Workers ' Guild .
10 In 1884 he became a founder member of the Art Workers ' Guild .
11 A Tory MP and a member of the Government Whips ' Office , he , too , had fallen under the spell of the late Emma Kerr , but that was water under another bridge .
12 ( Interestingly , in the car industry , although Ford has never belonged to an association in Britain nevertheless in Germany it is an active member of the metalworking employers ' association and follows the terms of its negotiated agreements . )
13 Like the hon. Member for Ryedale ( Mr. Greenway ) , I am a member of the Home Affairs Select Committee .
14 By definition therefore , neither a government-perceived merchant of gloom from the commentating classes , nor a trendified member of the teaching trades .
15 Before you sign on the dotted line , check to see if the company is a member is a member of the Kitchen Specialists Association ( KSA ) .
16 I 'm Joe , a member of the cocoa workers ' union in Ghana .
17 Er , now the the point I really want to refer to is erm just what role an auditor ought to play er in the er insurance and financial service industry in looking at particular firms , erm I have several interests which the honourable member for Edinburgh central knows about , er the one that I think is relevant er to tonight is that I am an elected member of the insurance brokers registration council and the way that erm the way that we regulate insurance brokers erm is laid down by statute but it does actually demonstrate the advantage , the benefit of erm of having a statutory requirement for audit and for er a proper oversight of what then follows in terms of the way that the regulator reacts to what the auditor may say .
18 McDade , the senior Republican member of the House appropriations committee , denied the charges , which carried a maximum sentence of 34 years in prison .
19 In January 1941 , the local newspaper carried a description of the fires of London reflected in the southern sky , and in the same issue of the Bedfordshire Times it was reported that a member of the Area Guardians Committee had stated that a number of men employed as labourers on government works were being lodged at the Public Assistance Institution as casuals .
20 She was secretary of the Tollemarche United Church Willing Workers ' Group , vice-president ( not president ! ) of the Tollemarche Downtown Community Centre , a driver for Cripples ' Transport , a member of the Car Dealers ' Wives Society and , she would remind him , a member of the Committee for the Preservation of Morals .
21 The , the group usually has a leader or symbols which represent its aspirations like the statue of the Virgin Mary or , or Golden Churches or something to which act as representatives or icons for the aspirations , the ideals of the individual 's ego and every member of the group shares those , that leader or those icons or those ideals and consequently the group is unified by a kind of sentry petal flow of individual narcissistic libido towards the centre , towards the leader and that makes them more identifiable with each other .
22 ‘ You are n't the only member of the Justice Police , ’ Kopyion replied in a cold , dry manner as if rehearsing a speech .
23 A member of the Finance Houses Association put it to us that the development of consumer credit might be seen as having three phases : first , loans granted to buy tangible assets ; secondly , loans for intangibles such as holidays ; and finally , loans simply as loans .
24 This self-selection process ensures that the Community Relations Branch attracts people with enthusiasm and the necessary personal qualities which make them enjoy work with youngsters , and not one member of the Community Relations Branch we encountered in Easton and elsewhere expressed anything other than pleasure and enjoyment from working with youngsters .
25 The work of head office now has a European dimension as the Open Market of 1993 approaches and CAMRA is a founding member of the Beer Consumers Union which seeks to support traditional beer styles in many countries and ward off greater concentration of ownership .
26 I am a longstanding member of the BAIE COMMUNICATORS IN BUSINESS ( established in 1949 ) and am a member of its Educational and Professional Development Committee , having , over the last three years , had totally and voluntary responsibility for its seminars in Scotland , in respect of which , on 28th May , I was honoured to receive the BAIE Chairman 's 1992/93 Award and to be one of its guests of honour at the Annual Conference Dinner in Torquay .
27 Simon Halliwell , a member of the Eigg Residents ' Association , said ‘ The majority of the islanders want the trust to take possession of the island .
28 For those who find it too difficult to discuss , any member of the Membership Services Sub-Committee would be happy to come along to your class or coffee morning etc. to put the case for you — please contact .
29 Frank Chapman , an executive council member of the EEPTU electricians ' union , was hissed and slow-handclapped when he asserted that scaling down nuclear power would put a brake on economic development in third world countries .
30 If you 're a first-time buyer you 'd be wise to ask about beginners ' boards at a reputable shop , which is a member of the Windsurfing Retailers Association ( WRA ) .
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