Example sentences of "need [to-vb] [adv] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 No need to see again the possessions she was leaving .
2 Coming down from the Col de la Pierre-Saint-Martin there is no need to drive back the way you came , through Arette , because five miles from the top you can fork off to the right and come down in sylvan splendour through the very heart of the Forêt d'lssaux , before either turning sharp left down the valley of the Lourdios and a not very good road to Issor , or carrying straight on to follow one of two better , more or less interchangeable roads back into the valley of the Aspe near Bedous .
3 As this is a compact bush tomato there is no need to pinch out the side-shoots as you would on standard tomato varieties .
4 But it also tends to recapitulate mainstream psychological theories of gender , which focus on female subjects , sexual and reproductive difference , and reduce questions about gender , finally , to the need to find out the truth about the biologically sexed subject .
5 The Institute published guidance ( no longer extant ) on the need to state clearly the addressees of reports , the purposes for which they had been prepared and to exclude purposes for which reports were not intended .
6 One reason is the need to clean up the mess in Eastern Europe left by Soviet military installations and sloppily run Communist mines and factories .
7 Was this driven by the need to ship out the occupants of the decaying and unviable institutions ?
8 The study 's conviction that creating the panel met the need to dispel finally the belief that auditors were clients of the company , not he shareholders , was still not shared by the finance officers .
9 But evidence from a trial in Essex this season suggests there is no need to give up the struggle .
10 Mixed with the need to tidy up the garden was a desire to show her neighbours her new purple , slim pants and striped purple and yellow jacket .
11 Some kind of assessment of the competence of teachers was seen as a way of weeding out those who were incompetent : a reaction to severe cuts in education ( along with the effects of falling rolls ) , and the need to thin out the teaching force .
12 Now that there was no need to keep up the charade of being in love he 'd taken his things along to his old room in another wing .
13 ‘ Ralf meant no harm , and , in any case , there is no need to keep up the pretence that we 're married . ’
14 The moon peering in helped her to see and there was no need to switch on the light .
15 There is no need to call up the tort where the legal wrong procured is itself a tort against the plaintiff , for the procurer is then himself liable as a joint tortfeasor ; nor , it seems , is there a tort of inducing a breach of trust , because a person who procures such an act becomes himself , by the doctrines of equity , liable as a trustee .
16 The commitment to whole curriculum planning and review represented in the final report suggested a need to investigate further the implications of whole school curriculum development .
17 Sociological studies have emphasised the need to investigate fully the complexities behind social problems , the need to reject the inadequate , simplistic , monocausal explanations of these phenomena often suggested by laypeople , politicians and the media .
18 Since 1979 there has been fresh emphasis on the need to roll back the frontiers of the state .
19 Having identified what it described as ‘ a number of sound developments in this field ’ , the paper then concluded that there was a need to improve both the quality and quantity of education management and suggested various ways in which this might be done .
20 Does he not realise that many Members on both sides of the House and many staff who work here have to eat morning , noon and night in those cafeterias , and that there is a desperate need to take on the services of people who are qualified and at the forefront of their field in this subject ?
21 They decided that , in addition to the traditional , and largely vain , efforts to curb drug production , there is an urgent need to step up the offensive from the other end of the drugs trail .
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