Example sentences of "trying [to-vb] them [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He was still trying to find them among the milling blackened faces , when a sudden shout drew everyone 's attention to a flicker of torch light weaving through the trees towards the highway .
2 ‘ One needs to be very alert to go creeping round with a couple of bottles up one 's sleeve , trying to hide them in the coal-scuttle or under the sink . ’
3 The most difficult aspect of a merger is trying to put a team together of people who come from different business cultures and trying to adjust them to a different end .
4 The wicked Dr Mamuk has stolen the secret plans for a virtual reality chamber and is trying to sell them to an alien race .
5 ‘ For stealing household goods and trying to sell them in the surrounding villages . ’
6 Tory planners think the Labour party is talking up a May or June poll , trying to bounce them into an election while interest rates are still high .
7 Otherwise he can just give them with the bloody tellies or trying to buy them with the tellies and the dealers have a lovely time
8 Examples are known at Great Chesterford , Camerton , Margidunum and Droitwich , among others.59 But these structures on the whole resemble the familiar winged-corridor villas of the countryside , a building style which was restricted neither to Britain nor entirely to the countryside.60 Care must therefore be observed in trying to identify them as the residences of minor provincial officials , for obviously they might be no more than the farmhouses of local landowners and in degree little different from a normal villa .
9 Maxim had finished his crab and was pushing bits of salad around his plate trying to identify them in the dimness and listening with half-turned head to a tenor saxophonist who had joined the guitar to swap phrases of the Beale Street Blues .
10 More than seventy-five years later , we are still working out their implications and trying to combine them in a unified theory that will describe everything in the universe .
11 In spite of trying to help them on the voyage , Margery was left alone at Dover .
12 The pace certainly quickened — too much so for some fathers who believed the conservative minority was trying to hurry them towards a close , leaving some business unfinished .
13 I think of my role as trying to guide them with the interface of the business side , the bits that they might not be interested in or do n't want to be involved in .
14 I 'm not trying to put them on an equal par , but later Maxwell erm Action Group were concerned with four hundred and eighty million disappearing .
15 You 're trying to put them in the same leg darling .
16 Just reading here where it says that erm B and Q they 're having a slanging match with Texas cutting all their prices paints tools they 're trying to outdo them with the prices .
17 ‘ So , given that I have a political opportunity , I tend to become an enthusiast harnessing the forces that are at work , trying to get the best out of them , trying to use them for the political purposes that I believe in .
18 The Ostrogothic king Theodoric cultivated contacts with them , drawing them into his web of marriage alliances , and trying to use them as a check on Clovis in 507 .
19 ‘ Because it suits me for Louis to believe I have problems , and that I 'm trying to forget them in the arms of an attractive young woman I 'm not willing to share . ’
20 But they were then held in remand in prison , and did n't really know how to defend themselves , so this project will be sending lawyers into the Long Houses of the indigenous peoples , trying to educate them about the process of Malaysian law , and work it into their system of customary law , which is known as ADAT , whereby within the Long House , all the community leaders and the members within the community debate disputes over land rights , the forest , the use of it , and try and get them to use their customary law with a knowledge of the Malaysian legal process in order to form associations and fight being thrown into prison because they 're trying to defend the forest .
21 If you try saying ‘ yes ’ or ‘ no ’ with a level tone ( rather as though you were trying to sing them on a steady note ) you may find the result does not sound natural , and indeed English speakers do not use level tones on one-syllable utterances very frequently .
22 I 've had so many conversations with people trying to convince them of a particular point , and although I find words central to my life … ‘
23 I 'm just trying to get them at the back did you know ?
24 Well , we 're still trying to get them through the Police Authority but we are making provision through this budget if we do n't , yeah
25 We also tested a sample of autistic children in the chocolate-finding task and found that they were again behaving just like the three-year-olds : going to the baited box for twenty trials , despite wanting to win chocolates and occasionally trying to filch them from the experimenter 's bag .
26 She 's probably trying to explain them in a very complicated way of doing maths .
27 He apologised for trying to blame them over the Tories ' economic blunders .
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