Example sentences of "someone who [verb] [indef pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So inflexible was this masterplan that when New Scientist attempted to introduce someone who knew nothing about computers to the machine ( it is claimed to be very easy to use ) we were turned down on the grounds that ‘ this would upset the timetable ’ .
2 The reason is that a great many " inventions " would not be obvious to a layman but would be to someone who knew something of the technology involved .
3 Everything about him spelt self-assurance , the confidence of someone who had nothing at all to prove to the world .
4 That someone who had nothing at all to do with her life should have had a hand in removing her father 's last trace in her life infuriated her .
5 How could one refuse tenderness to someone so frail and tiny , to someone whose bones one could break with the flick of wrist , to someone who greeted one with smiles and later whoops of purest delight , who wept if one left them , and would die if one neglected them ?
6 ’ Seek help from someone who knows something about building and plans . ’
7 Nobody can stop someone who knows nothing about pigs from becoming a pig farmer .
8 Subdivide each point into simple statements and then ask yourself whether the point will immediately be grasped by someone who knows nothing about the subject .
9 I am even going to give you some , which I should not do for someone who knows nothing about wine . ’
10 This need not be your tutor ; even someone who knows nothing about the subject can say whether you are making sense .
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