Example sentences of "little more than an [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On that Friday morning three weeks ago , I was little more than an irritant to dozens of drivers caught in a traffic jam as police cars and ambulances blocked their way to work or school .
2 Old glassfibre boats are just about infinitely reparable and even that one-time scourge of the plastic boat , osmosis , is reduced to little more than an irritant .
3 After narrowly averting yet another strike last year , AT&T might easily have decided to treat its relations with the unions as little more than an exercise in damage control .
4 This kind of simple redundancy occurs widely in databases and a significant level of compression can thereby be achieved through little more than an exercise of commonsense and ingenuity .
5 A great deal of it amounted to little more than an adjunct to farming , typically by smallholders plying a trade on the side .
6 Until last month this was little more than an expression of good intentions .
7 Campeanu walked with his head down , deep in thought as he plunged into a dark narrow back street which was little more than an alley .
8 With an air of picturesque decay , the street , little more than an alley , lay dusty and deserted , well away from the tourist area .
9 Even then , this is likely to be little more than an insistence that they begin to make some regular contribution to the household in the form of dried fish , tobacco , and so on .
10 Unless there is regular guidance given to parents through workshops and school produced booklets the arrival home of the reading book will be seen as little more than an opportunity to check when the teacher last heard their child read and a chance to rush their child to the next stage on the reading scheme .
11 This suggests , too , that the very notion of ‘ permissiveness ’ , and its converse , is a slippery one ; in many cases it would seem to mean little more than an exchange of more overt physical controls for more subtle emotional controls .
12 The 34-year-old American was obviously not troubled by the predictions , however , as she confidently dispatched Novotna 6-2 , 6-3 in little more than an hour .
13 The second game in the three-match one-day series , reduced from four after the first was downgraded to a friendly , was suspended after little more than an hour 's play .
14 Although there was now little more than an hour to go , the actual moment when the lights would go out remained stubbornly remote .
15 She says they can be there in little more than an hour . ’
16 Father had said Cornwall might be different and in little more than an hour , how different it was .
17 The trip was mercifully brief , little more than an hour , and soon they were standing on the tarmac at Ciampino Airport .
18 At best they furnish little more than an outline guide to the interpretation of the numerical data , a hint of the kind of hypothesis that needs to be tested .
19 Indeed , I heard several times his lordship express the view that without the participation of such a personage , any discussion on the topic of Germany would be little more than an indulgence .
20 But while the telephone itself remains little more than an instrument for reproducing speech and other sounds at a distance , over the last decade we have seen dramatic growth in the availability and use of computers , modems and fax to transmit documentary and computerised information over the telephone network .
21 It is a reasonable assumption — though little more than an assumption that ads in the categories at the lower end of the scale as it appears on the page will be more closely studied , and more thoroughly and consciously used by purchasers , than those at the upper end of the scale .
22 Mills and Boon , however , rigorously deny any charge of producing ‘ formula fiction ’ ; their instructions to potential authors , as they insist , and as some critics have noted with surprise , add up to little more than an encouragement to ‘ freshness and originality of approach ’ .
23 The extent of formal training given by employing organisations was usually minimal , amounting to little more than an introduction , with other skills being learned on the job .
24 Outside this office was a smaller room , little more than an antechamber .
25 He claimed that her private world had been little more than an experiment in frenzy , and that a breakdown had been inevitable .
26 Indeed , a large part of his public life and known history would seem to be little more than an embodiment and re-enactment of the prophecies .
27 The increasing use of local area networks , where the PC is little more than an access terminal and important data is stored on a central file server , is also changing buying habits .
28 The price war of autumn 1985 then was little more than an advertising exercise , though it did reduce the general price of holidays for 1986 .
29 No British university , in any case , is or ever has been socially exclusive , and the myth of an undergraduate Brideshead of champagne lunches set among gothic quadrangles is little more than an effect of Evelyn Waugh 's selective social recollection .
30 However , despite Laud 's personal antipathy towards the papacy , the 1630s did see a growth in the influence of Catholicism over the English government and an improvement in relations between Charles 's court and the papal curia , and for the large numbers of English Protestants who were unable to distinguish between Arminianism and popery and who regarded Laud as little more than an agent of Rome , there could be no doubt that the archbishop was to blame .
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