Example sentences of "little be [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Also , by binding Vitamin C to a phosphate mineral , very little is lost during the food 's preparation — which , says Steve , does away with skeletal deformities in young fish , a feature of vitamin deficiency .
2 Surprisingly little is recorded about the techniques of ship construction at that time , and the wreck may provide valuable clues .
3 Although substantial information has recently accumulated on how IL-6 interacts with two distinct receptor molecules on the surface of target cells ( 15–16 ) , as yet very little is understood about the signal transduction pathway which mediates its effects .
4 However , relatively little is understood about the links between economic and social change at the local level or the links between general processes at national level and specific local outcomes .
5 Very little is revealed about the impact of these changes on the social life and social relations of farm families and farm communities .
6 In comparison with the amount of information given about Molla Fenari , little is given in the article about Molla Yegan .
7 By contrast , little is learnt from the falsification of a bold conjecture or the confirmation of a cautious conjecture .
8 But so little is agreed about the cause of the disorder that endogenous opiates may well be involved .
9 What is more , little is offered in the way of treatment .
10 Little is shown of the background to this conflict , and even less is shown of the people who have struggled against the Saddam Hussein government whilst Western aid continued fuelling his campaigns against Iran , the Kurdish people and his own people .
11 He 's one of the most famous names in fashion but little is known of the man himself .
12 Little is known of the general effects of oil on the distribution of small cetaceans .
13 Little is known of the activities at Pitts Mill ; presumably it was run in conjunction with its neighbour .
14 Little is known of the visit other than that Mozart appeared before the Bavarian Elector Maximilian III Joseph .
15 Little is known of the history of the tower , which is part of a late 13th-century fortified manor house , but the remarkable paintings — ranging from biblical subjects to scenes of everyday rural life — tell a fascinating story of their own .
16 Little is known of the inhabitants of the old manor house with its interesting architecture in the centre of the village , but the oddly named Hanging Grimston is within the parish , and here the Bouchier family lived in what must have been a grand castle with cottages nearby , and owned much land .
17 Little is known of the ‘ cottage countess ’ but there is no evidence of her surprise at seeing Burghley House , or her supposed decline under the aristocratic social pressures which Tennyson alludes to .
18 Relatively little is known of the first great temples , which were built between 2000 and 1900 BC and destroyed by earthquakes in 1700 BC , except that they stood on the same sites as the later temples .
19 LITTLE is known of the interdecadal variability in the thermohaline circulation of the world 's oceans , yet such knowledge is essential as a background to studies of the effects of natural and anthropogenic climate change .
20 These molecules are involved in low-affinity homophilic and/or heterophilic recognition , but little is known of the physical basis for these interactions .
21 Instead , they reflect how little is known of the demographic processes ( such as root mortality ) that control below-ground carbon and nutrient cycling , and the relationship between root demography and the soil environment .
22 Little is known of the ecological context of the afropithecin fossils , but while the best record is again from Maboko Island , there is some doubt about the ecological interpretation of this site .
23 Unfortunately , little is known of the south wing , but it has a very similar appearance to that of the north side and suffers from the disadvantage of facing north , which precludes any possibility of the best accommodation being situated there .
24 There is still much debate as to the necessity of using toxic doses of interleukin-2 : little is known of the precise mechanism by which it causes tumour regression , and many healthcare professionals seem reluctant to change from protocols that have shown some benefit in terms of survival and tumour response .
25 This reading of events gains some support from what little is known of the council 's role during April , before Gloucester and the prince reached London .
26 Unfortunately , after the Romans left in the 4th century , very little is known of the inhabitants of the area until the arrival of the Normans in the 11th century .
27 Of those families with documented familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy , however , only about half have identifiable mutations related to the β-myosin heavy chain gene , and little is known of the incidence of genetic abnormalities in non-familial cases .
28 Very little is known of the ecology or adaptations of periantarctic beetles , grass aphids or thrips .
29 Although reasonable surmises may be made concerning the effect of various properties of the coast on erosion , little is known of the precise effects which they have .
30 Little is known of the Palace during the first hundred years .
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