Example sentences of "coming out [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And y erm you know , you would get pieces of grit and black heavy dirt dust coming out onto the furniture .
2 For those just coming out onto the scene , it 's an established fact that many can come to terms with , but for those who have set patterns of sexual behaviour or who 've put themselves at risk in the past , it 's a great problem .
3 three properties on that little , on , on that coming out between the butchers and erm ,
4 Having served with the Duke of Wellington 's Regiment in two campaigns on the north-west frontier of India , the Corporal was recalled briefly in 1938 , went to France in 1939 , and spent five days coming out over the Dunkirk beaches .
5 Then you see an express train apparently coming out through the embankment while a gigantic head capped with flowers revolves high above and you realise it will be an amazing day .
6 If the cloud base is low , there is bound to be a risk of coming out under the cloud and being unable to reach an area where it is not raining .
7 He could see them coming out under the hand : And close your eyes with holy dread .
8 The stars will be coming out during the day to celebrate Sainsbury 's Fundays — this is your chance not only to meet a celebrity , but to get their autograph and even a photograph !
9 That was the last thing he wanted , his Dad coming out to the shed .
10 And one one day you know it 's flared up and the next day it 's dead , but they say it 's better coming out to the surface .
11 Yes I remember my granny coming out with the word
12 And I even noticed that she she was coming out with the thees and thous that that erm
13 But he 's not really coming out with the answers .
14 coming out with the water , they make nitrous and nitric acids ,
15 Now that 's that 's just sort of coming out with the answer .
16 The theory seems to be ( 1 ) that some act — noticing a resemblance — must precede uttering the word ‘ white ’ for the person who utters the word genuinely to be describing the object , and not merely coming out with the words , ‘ It 's white ’ as might a parrot , no matter what it was shown ; and ( 2 ) that the resemblance the theory requires one to have noticed , which is supposed to justify one 's calling it white as opposed , say , to blue , is what one is referring to when one calls the object ‘ white ’ .
17 But there was more to it than coming out with the begging bowl because of a particular crisis .
18 I heard him only a short while ago coming out of the bathroom .
19 If you use a shower attachment rather than a simple measuring jug , take care to ensure that the water coming out of the nozzle does not suddenly change temperature .
20 He can do nothing , though , because the stuffing is coming out of the armchair he is sitting in , and before anything else can happen he has to decide whether to get it re-covered or buy a new one .
21 Abelard 's theory , coming out of the experiences and theology of his day , presents a challenge to modern Christians who , all too easily , overintellectualize their faith .
22 When a worker , coming out of the nest , sees the corpse , its instinct is to pick it up and remove it , for that is part of its regular nest-cleaning duties .
23 He looks really dodgy coming out of the woods like that does n't he ?
24 The next generation of OLTP technologies now coming out of the labs are based upon reliable queuing mechanisms — messaging services which allow distributed OLTP systems to be linked together but which maintain the integrity of transactions .
25 In naturally acid areas , or where acid rain has made the water more acid , lead pipes are a serious hazard to health because the water strips the metal from the pipe walls and it ends up coming out of the tap .
26 It is no wonder that , hearing that uncanny sound coming out of the mist , the old sailors ascribed it to mermaids or sirens or strange creatures of the deep .
27 K. R. There were mainly annoying types of things — such as lads playing football in the street and that sort of thing , and the drunks coming out of the pub , and on the corner .
28 A. M. I went into Lime Street one night at ten o'clock and found a crowd of lads on the corner of Skelhorne Street coming out of the pub .
29 Seeing all those people coming out of the pub to watch me was fantastic , ’ says Brian .
30 There are also a number of traffic put into er slow down traffic , being seen in many cases to be used as a target practice for people coming out of the pub on Saturday night .
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