Example sentences of "coming [prep] [art] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 The other thing we do sort of every now and then , and next time will be Easter , we actually have some people in costume who actually reoccupy the house over Waster weekend in this case as as the household of William and they 've been coming for a long time now and they 've got set into the set into their roles quite well .
2 But , for a reader coming for the first time to the subject , this can not give a sense of the rightness , diversity and very real differences in feminist art history and criticism over the last couple of decades .
3 ‘ Cocoa ? ’ she offered , coming in a little time later , carrying a small tray with three enamel mugs of steaming beverage on it , and a plate of Marie biscuits .
4 It is hard to imagine him coming at a better time as we plan to make our first Diocesan Assembly the centrepiece of his visit , on Saturday 10th June .
5 This is a gutsy South African first novel , a romantic adventure , with the next one in hardback coming at the same time , and she will be in the UK promoting .
6 On now to Barry Humphries ' autobiography , More Please ( Penguin ) ; Carol ( second wife of Walter ) Matthau 's memoirs Among the Porcupines ( Orion ) ; Ranulph Fiennes ' search for the city of Ubar ( the Koranic version of Sodom and Gomorrah ) , Atlantis of the Sands ( Penguin ) : A N Wilson 's Jesus ( Flamingo ) , coming at the same time as Barbara Thiering 's Jesus the Man ( Corgi ) , as they also did in hardcover ; and Miranda Seymour 's much-praised life of Ottoline Morrell ( Sceptre ) , £25 in hardcover and so welcome as a £7 or £8 paperback .
7 HarperCollins launches its sf and fantasy imprint this month with Kim Stanley Robinson 's Red Mars ( £4.99 ) as the flagship titled with Green Mars ( £14.99 ) coming at the same time .
8 A classic mix of myth , fairy tale and adventure , coming at the same time as Faery in Shadow ( C format , £8.99 ) and being promoted with it .
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