Example sentences of "coming [prep] the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The threat of new entrants coming into the same market
2 However , in this case , it would not be necessary to determine that all the quanta came from the same direction : it would be enough to observe that they all arrived within a very short time interval to be reasonably confident that they were coming from the same burst .
3 They can distinguish between two sounds which are only 18 inches apart at a distance of 60 feet ; they can separate with ease two sounds that are coming from the same direction , but at different distances ; and they can differentiate two sounds that have only a half-tone of difference between them .
4 In order to observe a primordial black hole one would have to detect several gamma ray quanta coming from the same direction within a reasonable space of time , such as a week .
5 I had to leave my place in front of the screen frequently and go behind to convince myself that each new voice was indeed coming from the same man .
6 Erm and I would I would want to try and do some er organize some press coverage at that time for the losers as well as for the winner so that a a and one of the things when we select the participants , er the entrants , er we will not have them all coming from the same school or from the same area , even if the five best entrants all do come from the same school .
7 Furthermore , I twins are genetically identical , coming from the same ovum , whereas N twins arise from two ova and are therefore no more similar genetically than ordinary siblings .
8 Coming from the same background as those on the front line gives Tony Davidson of Provincial Insurance a mission to explain all the business 's activities , says Neil Fitzgerald .
9 I have a feeling it 's coming from the same source .
10 This is a gutsy South African first novel , a romantic adventure , with the next one in hardback coming at the same time , and she will be in the UK promoting .
11 On now to Barry Humphries ' autobiography , More Please ( Penguin ) ; Carol ( second wife of Walter ) Matthau 's memoirs Among the Porcupines ( Orion ) ; Ranulph Fiennes ' search for the city of Ubar ( the Koranic version of Sodom and Gomorrah ) , Atlantis of the Sands ( Penguin ) : A N Wilson 's Jesus ( Flamingo ) , coming at the same time as Barbara Thiering 's Jesus the Man ( Corgi ) , as they also did in hardcover ; and Miranda Seymour 's much-praised life of Ottoline Morrell ( Sceptre ) , £25 in hardcover and so welcome as a £7 or £8 paperback .
12 HarperCollins launches its sf and fantasy imprint this month with Kim Stanley Robinson 's Red Mars ( £4.99 ) as the flagship titled with Green Mars ( £14.99 ) coming at the same time .
13 A classic mix of myth , fairy tale and adventure , coming at the same time as Faery in Shadow ( C format , £8.99 ) and being promoted with it .
14 cummings and Edwin Morgan are , however , splendidly useful , and if practitioners keep coming across the same texts , it has to be remembered that students may very well be meeting them for the first time .
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