Example sentences of "based [prep] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Time based with a low quote and major add-ons 1105.2
2 The six credits required for the BA have been largely technology based with a strong emphasis on environmental issues and their control .
3 Like many matters , this form of offence is based upon a perceived contrast .
4 The claim in Costa Rica v Nicaragua was based upon a bilateral agreement whereby Costa Rica acquired specified rights .
5 Not simply would the future USSR be a ‘ renewed federation ’ ; it would also , necessarily , be a voluntary association of republics based upon a new union treaty , whose features became increasingly distinct as the Central Committee plenum faded into obscurity .
6 It introduced a single and unified code of child care law based upon a new concept of parental responsibility .
7 The following suggestions are exemplary only , and they are based upon a concentric approach starting with the school .
8 It would , Burlatsky suggested , be based upon a wide variety of property forms , including state property which would be developed to the higher level of public ownership of the whole people .
9 The basic failure is perceived particularly acutely in the social welfare professions , and it is based upon a wide range of features such as the failure of some services actually to deliver the goods promised , failures of responsibility and neutrality , the loss of the service ideal and , in extreme cases , the disabling effects upon clients .
10 Butenko called in particular for the establishment of a socialist civil society , based upon a wide dispersal of ownership ( so long as workers depended upon their employers , even under public ownership , they could never become the agents of their own destiny ) .
11 At the earliest moment , local authorities should be required to submit a building programme for five or ten years to come , based upon a systematic plan to deal with slums and with acute overcrowding .
12 Based upon a systematic analysis of 1971 and 1981 Census small area statistics , this study seeks to document social and economic changes in Aberdeen and its suburbs during a period which saw the city becoming a major international centre for the oil industry .
13 I shall deal with the second recommendation first , because it is based upon a complete misunderstanding .
14 Faced with a wide range of demands and severe shortages of funding , they must make decisions about priorities , and in the last analysis the creation of a scheme of priorities for provision — though based upon a complex pattern of evidence about user requirements — must in part be the result of the librarian 's own judgement .
15 But below these skilled aristocrats of labour were men in the press shop , who would design a press to mass produce a part , and others who would more likely earn 1s 6d per hour , or less , based upon a piece-work arrangement .
16 The other was the more relaxed model of the New Economic Policy , which was based upon a mixed economy and more democratic norms .
17 During the 1520s , this theological orthodoxy came under challenge throughout Europe from the new ideas of the continental reformers , Martin Luther and Ulrich Zwingli , both of whom claimed that the truth of their new theology was evident from scripture and based upon a biblical authority which took precedence over tradition and papal decree .
18 an unprecedented requirement that would-be appellants first obtain leave to appeal , based upon a simple re-reading of their papers , and not a full , oral hearing .
19 The old-age pension was non-contributory and based upon a simple test of means .
20 If Morrissey is making comments based upon a private mythology , then he ought to realise that a hell of a lot is lost in translation .
21 Land and the Nation was a rather trenchant report based upon a private investigation into the ownership and use of rural land .
22 The evaluation of the AEC was based upon a comprehensive assessment of the extent to which the course was able to achieve its stated objectives .
23 About twenty to twenty five percent of the senior cl clinicians opposed the application and the percentage figure amongst other disciplines will be far higher and , as has been said , the main motivation to seek Trust status , is based upon a financial squeeze on with it 's neighbours and also seeking Trust status .
24 All of this makes sense in relation to the historical context of England in particular where , on MacFarlane 's ( 1978 ) evidence , social and economic structures have been based upon a strong sense of individualism , and not upon traditional ties of kinship , for at least 600 years .
25 Even bourgeois rooms may come to express values other than the merely material , as in Figure 11 , a seventeenth-century Dutch copy of the famous painting by Quentin Massys , The Money Changer and his Wife ( 1514 ) , which in its turn may be based upon a lost original by the fifteenth-century Flemish artist , Jan van Eyck .
26 It is based upon a general review of progress towards integration in the UK and detailed case studies of integrated and competitive services .
27 What is required is a divisional risk premium based upon a clear specification of the key strategic factors which will determine how the projected returns for this division are likely to vary with movements in the economy as a whole .
28 There is good experimental evidence for the applicability of the BKZ Equation ( 3.19 ) and it is also similar in form to a more recent constitutive equation derived by Doi and Edwards and based upon a primitive chain model .
29 The petition must state : ( i ) the amount of the debt ( in sterling , converted from any foreign currency at the official exchange rate at the date of issue of the petition , by analogy with r 6.111 ) , the consideration for it ( or , if there is no consideration , the way in which it arises ) and the fact that it is owed to the petitioner ; ( ii ) when the debt was incurred or became due ; ( iii ) if the debt includes interest or any other charge accruing from time to time , the amount or rate of the charge ( separately identified ) and the grounds upon which it is claimed to form part of the debt provided that , in the case of a petition based upon a statutory demand , only the interest claimed in the demand is included ; ( iv ) that the debt is unsecured , and either that the debt is for a liquidated sum payable immediately and the debtor appears to be unable to pay it , or that the debt is for a liquidated sum payable at some certain future specified time and the debtor appears to have no reasonable prospect of being able to pay it .
30 A ‘ new historical community the Soviet people ’ had come into existence , based upon a common destiny and an interdependent economy .
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