Example sentences of "necessary [to-vb] [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 In particular , it is necessary to go beyond the examples of close relationships to political parties to consider whether the positions some groups enjoy in relation to the political system owe nothing to particular party allegiances .
2 When one looks more closely at the individual creation myths one recognizes that the work will involve more than simple description of the myths themselves ; it will be necessary to go into the societies from which they sprang in at least sufficient detail for the myths to be appreciated in context .
3 It is not necessary to go to the lengths of the British Airways new Four Corners shops , where the travel element can hardly be distinguished through an Ali Baba 's cave of irrelevant merchandise , but only to set up efficient systems run by people who know what they 're talking about and who can make time to understand what their travellers want , like Trailfinders with their honest bucket-shop approach , or the STA chain with its expertise in student travel .
4 If it is considered necessary to write to the police abroad then for EEC claims this will be done by the branches or handling agents and for the rest the file must be sent to H O Claims .
5 I am satisfied that the plaintiff is in a state where it is reasonably necessary to provide for the costs of setting up and maintaining a trust to handle the plaintiff 's financial interests over the years ahead .
6 It may have been necessary for Jesus to have eaten a few fishes in order to survive in first-century Palestine , but it is not now necessary to feast on the bodies of dead animals in order to be healthy .
7 The Code will have to be given the force of law and in some respects detailed adjustments may be necessary to conform with the requirements of the Directive .
8 Cole had emphasized the relationships with landsurfaces of different age and character , but to demonstrate exactly how ecological processes were manifested it was necessary to focus upon the interrelationships of all factors in the savanna ecological system and therefore the dynamic ecology was a feature of the University of McGill Rupununi Savanna Research project ( Hills , 1965 , 1974 ) and of work by Eden ( 1964 , 1974 ) .
9 They believe that it is necessary to look at the parents individually .
10 It is necessary to look at the words which appear at the foot of the defined expressions in section 251 .
11 Thus , to explain what was happening to cities it was necessary to look at the characteristics of cities .
12 It is necessary to win over the negotiators to the idea of using such a computer model , and resistance is likely to focus on the idea that negotiating is a matter of judgement and can not be mechanised .
13 The North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO ) and the Western European Union ( WEU ) agreed on Nov. 20 to support the UN resolution by adopting powers to stop and search any ships entering or leaving Yugoslav waters , with warships being allowed if necessary to fire across the bows of vessels to force them to stop .
14 That elected governments find it necessary to bow to the wishes of big privately owned companies , that the organs which so largely shape public opinion can be bought and sold by millionaires and treated by them simply as pieces of private property ( which is ' of course , what they are ) , demonstrates how difficult it is for an active and effective democracy to coexist with monopoly capitalism .
15 When dealing with leasehold property , it is also necessary to deal with the apportionments of any service charge liability .
16 Because it was felt necessary to deal with the uncertainties that this would create for those acquiring the interest of a chargee of a company 's assets , and also to enhance the transferability of charges created by companies , section 406 provides that a chargee in exercising a power of sale may dispose of property freed of any interest which has arisen because the charge has become void against an administrator , a liquidator or a person who has acquired an interest in it .
17 Nor do I think it necessary to consider for the purposes of the present case to what extent the common law may provide the public authority with a defence to a claim for the repayment of money so paid ; though for the reasons I have already given , I do not consider that the principle of recovery should be inapplicable simply because the citizen has paid the money under a mistake of law .
18 It will be necessary to run through the examples in the Digest to illustrate the contexts in which these practices are found and the way in which they are interpreted .
19 During these years the most important of the established exhibitors at the Indépendants and the Salon d'Automne included Bonnard , Vuillard and Denis , while the strong group of Neo-Impressionist painters under the leadership of Signac were also recognized and admired ; by 1909 Vauxcelles was able to comment on the fact that it was no longer necessary to fight for the painters that he had christened the Fauves .
20 Frequently it is necessary to read between the lines .
21 [ His Lordship set out the indictment , ante , pp. 433F — 434A , and continued : ] It is necessary to refer to the terms of the relevant sections of the Computer Misuse Act 1990 .
22 It is not necessary to refer to the terms of that section .
23 In mild winters it may be necessary to chop down the leaves and dig in the roots in spring .
24 It is necessary to rely on the accounts published since the embargo on absolute secrecy was lifted in 1977 , and there seems little advantage in repeating here what has been told so well already ; and , after all , this book has quite a different purpose .
25 In order to find their own identity and to become persons in their own right , many young people feel it necessary to rebel against the attitudes and beliefs of their parents .
26 The debate was concluded , and the Question necessary to dispose of the proceedings was deferred , pursuant to paragraph ( 4 ) of Standing Order No. 52 ( Consideration of estimates ) .
27 … any land which is in their area and which is suitable for and is required in order to secure the carrying out of one or more of the following activities , namely , development , redevelopment and improvement [ and ] any land which is in their area and which is required for a purpose which it is necessary to achieve in the interests of the proper planning of an area in which the land is situated .
28 ‘ I do not think it necessary to enter upon the technicalities of autrefois convict .
29 To understand this , it is necessary to distinguish between the areas of defence , law and order , and social policy — where the motive of government policy appears to be the concentration of authority to build a ‘ strong state ’ — and full employment , incomes policy , industrial policy , and public ownership from which the government has withdrawn to create ‘ a free economy ’ .
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