Example sentences of "reason for [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This is another reason for standardising the rudder movement first , but it is not relevant to gliders with T-tails where no rudder blanketing can occur .
2 The whole br reason for bringing the scheme forward in the programme was associated with the waste management plant and it was n't er er a scheme which would have achieved that priority in its own right .
3 And there would be no more reason for establishing the membership of a co-operative than the investors in a joint stock company as such a group .
4 ‘ the basal reason for binding the creditor with equities arising from the conduct of the husband is that in substance , if not technically , the wife is a volunteer conferring an important advantage upon her husband who in virtue of his position has an opportunity of abusing the confidence she may be expected to place in him and the creditor relies upon the person in that position to obtain her agreement to become his surety .
5 The second reason for regarding the section as likely to have only a limited impact is that the relevant duty , like the duty to act bona fide for the benefit of the company , is a subjective one .
6 If the bulk of the community are being criminally victimized in ways they do not understand or realize , surely that too is sufficient reason for prioritizing the study of corporate crime .
7 Their reason for perpetuating the memory of the Flood was most probably magical .
8 The torpedo must have been dropped in the Harbour — there would have been no other reason for entering the Harbour .
9 That the Serbs are bound to object is not , of course , a good reason for dismissing the idea .
10 Nor is the fact that a document is biased a reason for dismissing the document as worthless or unreliable .
11 If then there is no adequate improvement in the attendance record , it is likely that in most cases the employer will be justified in treating the persistent absences as a sufficient reason for dismissing the employee .
12 The tribunal is required to determine whether the employer acted reasonably or unreasonably in treating the established reason for dismissal as sufficient reason for dismissing the employee , having regard to equity and the substantial merits of the case and to the size and administrative resources of the employer 's undertaking .
13 Nagel 's reason for alleging the existence of the bias is that ‘ the primary goods are not equally valuable in pursuit of all conceptions of the good ’ ( p. 9 ) .
14 has said that actual damage is an essential ingredient in unintentional trespass to the person and if this is so there is no reason for distinguishing the case of trespass to goods .
15 As a further reason for renewing the Act he stated that " certain political parties " were training young Zimbabweans outside the country , with the aim of having them return to commit destabilizing acts .
16 ( This is the reason for defining the bigram matrix as a 1-dimensional array .
17 At least I know something about such problems ; they were my original reason for opposing the scheme , and I have not changed my mind in the slightest .
18 There is undoubtedly some truth in this ; the nobility frequently sent proxies to parliament in these years ; they were too preoccupied with war to have any reason for opposing the king in parliament , and their independent campaigns on the continent took some of them away from England for several years at a time .
19 For example , middle class women were as convinced as working class women by the medical profession 's call for hospitalised childbirth , although just as working class women wanted what they regarded as the additional bonus of hospital rest , so middle class women also saw the availability of anaesthesia as a major reason for welcoming the trend to hospital births .
20 The most common type of instrumental argument relies , as a reason for recognizing the validity of consent , on the facts that the agent has the best information to judge whether it is best to create the right or not and that he is sufficiently motivated to act for the best .
21 Columbus had an excellent reason for naming the island where he first landed after crossing the Atlantic " San Salvador " .
22 You must always keep your reader in mind because he or she is the true reason for writing the report .
23 This was another reason for writing the book .
24 Another reason for developing the alliance portfolio is the need to broaden the product range offered to customers .
25 One reason for varying the itinerary of the Conference was the stringency of post-war rationing .
26 In the past the courts have construed statutory and common law rights to information restrictively and have either required an applicant to show a special reason for wanting the information or have denied access to a person with an ‘ indirect motive ’ such as a councillor helping a constituent in a complaint against the authority .
27 Several indicated they would be looking to Mr Lawson to give the Tory voters a reason for enduring the pain of higher mortgages .
28 Even the Secret Committee had a reason for allowing the Rescript to be promulgated : by committing itself to a relatively modest programme of reform , the government seemed to be discouraging radicals from pressing their case .
29 WHEN the Royal Bank of Scotland was set up by Royal Charter in 1727 there was a very good reason for building the word ‘ Royal ’ into its name .
30 What was the main reason for building the line ?
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