Example sentences of "home to the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The murder has brought home to the genteel Spa town , the reality of violent crime in Britain today .
2 When Cindy returned home to the small Illinois farming community of 39,400 to look up old friends two Thanksgivings ago , the resentment only increased .
3 Me mother was like that , me dad said I do n't know whether I 'm coming home to the right house
4 At a small cottage in Wales , for instance , which was once home to the famous Welshman David Lloyd George , pupils as young as 6 come for living history sessions in the simple cottage kitchen .
5 There has been a huge expansion of golf , for example , the attractions of which were brought home to the general public through the televising of tournaments .
6 Soon he could come to lead his disciples home to the Promised Land .
7 Many East Asians say it is no coincidence that their countries , home to the martial arts , have achieved greater economic success than other Asian countries .
8 It is especially moving in this production that Watford , painfully trying to disinherit her son from her affections , should feed his little toy soldiers and letters home to the smoky bonfire of autumn leaves on her estate .
9 He reacted by behaving in a way which rammed home to the Scots memories of Edward I. The events of 1543 took on a sinister familiarity ; for Edward 's attempted annexation of Scotland had also begun with a proposed marriage , between the infant Margaret , Maid of Norway , who succeeded Alexander III in 1286 , and Edward 's son , the future Edward II .
10 the westgate with part of the wall as far as particular upright stone in the said wall , between the said gates and the standing stile and steps belongs to Chew Stoke and is repaired by the parishioners thereof ; the other part home to the poor house is repaired by the parish of Chew Magna ; the east side is repaired and half of the wall and stile by the parish of Stowey ; the other by the parish of Norton …
11 This was inefficient , it seems , according to modern animal scientists , but they were corralled at night and brought fertiliser home to the cultivated land around the farmstead .
12 To include any such anticipatory provision has the merit of bringing home to the individual partners the importance of viewing their involvement in the firm as a long term commitment , which may serve to reduce , if not to eliminate , the pain felt if and when a cash call has to be made .
13 The extra bonus — the thing that makes me truly lucky — is that I can go home to the real friends and neighbours whose tales of burst drain-pipes , complicated recipes and domestic dramas sound every bit as interesting to me when I lack the leisure to enjoy them myself .
14 What is now home to the rare hen harrier , the short-eared owl and 170 species of birds , will shortly become the habitat of mechanical gorrillas , robot sharks and cheap imitations of nature as more than 70 per cent of the the 1200 acres are developed with prime riverside housing , studios and hotels .
15 The fastest growing city in the United States , with a population of over one million , Las Vegas , once home to the heavy mob and every form of conceivable vice , has cleaned up its act .
16 Part of Neil MacDonald 's task in visiting Chile is to write a book about Oxfam 's work there to try to bring the problems home to the British public .
17 NOTTINGHAM CASTLE , now a museum and art gallery , was once home to the evil Sheriff and even Little John spent some time in service here .
18 The palace is now home to the National Gallery 's collection of graphic art .
19 The effect of evacuation was to flood the dark places with light and bring home to the national consciousness that the ‘ submerged tenth ’ described by Charles Booth still exists in our towns like a hidden sore , poor , dirty and crude in its habits , an intolerable and degrading burden to decent people forced by poverty to neighbour with it .
20 MoD is offering a ten-year contract , thought to be worth about £30 million , for the operation of RAF Topcliffe in North Yorkshire , currently home to the Royal Navy Elementary Flying Training School equipped with BAe Bulldogs .
21 Stratford-upon-Avon , home to the Royal Shakespeare Theatre , is just 12 miles away .
22 The Palladium opened in 1940 to the mellow trombone of Tommy Dorsey and was once home to the big band sounds of the Lawrence Welk Show , was host to five presidents and featured entertainment from ballroom dancing to rap music .
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