Example sentences of "to say that [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I think it true to say that at the present time it is not at all difficult for academics to appear in print .
2 I am going to say that at the deep level there is not but at the ordinary , everyday level there often is and we need to take it quite seriously .
3 But how sad that she had not been able to say that to the one person who really longed to hear it .
4 I have been a lifelong Labour supporter , but I have to say that under the present Government I was able to save in my last years at work without seeing my savings disappear in inflation .
5 To say of two linguistic expressions that they have the " same meaning " , at best , is to say that under the same sort of conditions , they can be used in the same way , to the same effect .
6 He has been working very long hours setting up in business here in er in this area er he gets home late at night and I 'm afraid to say that over the last few months he 's been nagged continuously by his girlfriend who wants him to try and sort out financial arrangements because the relationship between the two of them 's not been very good .
7 It 's probably the , the simplest illustration is to say that over the last three or four years , we 've moved from being well below S S A to nine point four percent above S S A , now nothing 's changed other than that we 've got a slight decrease in the number of calls over this last two years .
8 Precisely when this occurred can seldom be determined on any estates , because there are few series of complete manorial records , but it is safe to say that by the early fifteenth century the change had taken place widely on both lay and ecclesiastical lands , the latter being better documented over different parts of the country .
9 Nevertheless , it seems fair to say that by the 1530s social grievances were again being voiced to an extent that they had not been in the previous century .
10 It is therefore true to say that by the mid-1930s , the Labour Party was truly , as it had never been before , the party of the working class .
11 But sightings of the young lady continued and the curious point was that people used to say that in the first compartment next to the tender there would often be the strong scent of roses .
12 He was serious , it 's his get out from telling you to say that in the first place
13 They 're also the charity trustees , and I think it would be true to say that in the very final analysis they are the people who are ultimately responsible .
14 It is fair to say that in the last instance , it will not actually produce a design with the colours separated out into their appropriate rows , but will make a card design showing the colours so that punching a card from this is made easier .
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