Example sentences of "to say [prep] any [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ In all honesty , though I should be loth to say of any man that he is capable of killing , I dare not say of any man that he is wholly incapable of it .
2 If the housing visit is carried out too early , say six months before the transfer date , landlords are unlikely to be able to say with any certainty whether property is likely to be available for rent .
3 The approach taken in the Act can lead to difficulties because , in many cases of works produced with the aid of a computer , it will not be possible to say with any certainty whether the work has a human author .
4 It could be that a firm may only be able to say with any certainty that it expects the rate of return on an investment project to be within a particular range , say 10 to 15 per cent .
5 At present , therefore , it is impossible to say with any confidence whether the influence of Milan was much more than a matter of banal repetition of a few characteristic physiognomic types .
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