Example sentences of "gone on [to-vb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This idea of fair play has gone on to permeate the Challenge as a whole .
2 SINCE LEAVING the ranks of The Velvet Underground for a solo career , John Cale has gone on to record a catalogue of solo work that is both voluminous and impressive .
3 Microsoft has gone on to use the success of Windows itself to attack rivals who have made their names selling applications built around the old MS-DOS regime .
4 He had , in fact , long cherished a secret fantasy in which he had joined the privileged ranks of Oxford undergraduates , racketed through three glorious years of academic and sexual triumphs , then gone on to lead the kind of effortlessly successful life from which working-class origins and a foreshortened education had in reality excluded him .
5 Again and again , the European Court has noted the narrowness of the English test for reviewing the merits of official decisions , and has gone on to find a breach of the convention by the UK .
6 Since then Fleur Cowles has gone on to develop a style which has been described as " Magic Realism " .
7 Lynch , who fell on Barney Maclyvie at the first 11 years ago , said : ‘ I have been told that a lot of good jockeys have fallen at the first fence in their first ride in the National and then gone on to win the race next time .
8 Well I I think its , the way that the plaintiff puts the case on that point my Lord is that even if the defendant Mr took the view er that it would not have been proper for such a notice to be served , in view of what the plaintiff was saying to him about his wish to get out of the contract , the fact that it was available to him should have been brought to his attention and then as Mr was saying that I sorry I do n't feel I can do this on your behalf because it 's not proper in the circumstances or whatever erm , should then have gone on to advise the plaintiff either to do it himself or to go and seek independent advice .
9 ‘ About 12 people went along to the basic 15 week course and of course we have six who have gone on to get the certificate .
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