Example sentences of "gone [adv] over the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 What absolute rubbish — he 's gone right over the top with a load of old cobblers there and I do n't know why .
2 ‘ You could have had a hundred casual affairs , and I 'd have adjusted to them somehow and tried to make you fall in love with me , but the thought that you 'd loved someone else and still loved him , because it seemed to have gone on over the years , periodically resumed …
3 And er , as I say , observing this and watching Hector 's work and how things have gone on over the years , er as you know , there 's been a tremendous revival of interest in driving , so many people have er , restored carts or had new ones built and erm the young farriers who 've never had the experience with driving horses , they have run into problems with erm , keeping them going soundly and overcoming problems which crop up when horses are driven on the road a lot .
4 They had gone all over the place ; peeking into the Oval Office ( but the little rope was across , Hakim said ) ; stopping on the stairs to look at a picture called The Canine Cabinet , in which North pointed out a drowsing member and said it was Casey ; and into the Roosevelt Room , where North showed the young Iranian the Nobel Prize won by Theodore Roosevelt for negotiating peace between the Russians and the Japanese .
5 ‘ You tend to forget all the hard work that has gone in over the season .
6 It looked as if it had gone straight over the side and into the valley .
7 The unpredictability remains even when we have read to the end of the couplet. even when we have processed both lines of the couplet , our understanding will not be complete until we have gone back over the lines from the viewpoint of their relationship .
8 She must have gone back over the cards much later , when she was old .
9 Smith , one of the tough nuts that Jones salutes , reckons Wimbledon 's ‘ Psycho ’ has gone well over the top on his vulgar video nasty .
10 She had gone well over the half-hour .
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