Example sentences of "working for [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ A system for learning ’ on pages 4 and 5 looks at how a participatory method of information collection is working for a rural water and sanitation hygiene education programme in Ecuador .
2 Between 1938 and 1945 she performed in Manchuria , working for a Japanese propaganda outfit , the Manchuria Cinema Association .
3 Various Japanese practices do seem sexist and racist to use but , as a white woman working for a Japanese company , I 'd say that they are trying to change , and it 's a shame more of us do n't try to learn Japanese and understand the culture .
4 The enterprising Campbell Freight Agencies ' company was formed in May 1979 when Alan decided to go out on his own after working for a multi-National freight firm .
5 A new paperback edition of Maeve Kelly 's first novel — an urgent , provocative story of a woman 's escape from the claustrophobia of provincial family life and her baptism of fire into the feminist movement , working for a battered women 's refuge .
6 Working for a multinational company opens your eyes to the outside world , ’ she said .
7 If I have a choice between working for a nice man who let's me get on with my work in my own way and as far as possible on my own initiative and a difficult woman , then I 'm not going to hesitate , am I ? ’
8 A British undercover agent in one of David Cornwell 's [ John le Carré 's ] novels is so exasperated by platitudes by a superior that he exploded within himself that it was like working for a bloody clergyman .
9 No , I believe them to be spies working for a rival power aware of my presence in London and suspicious of my intentions .
10 Has he been working for a long time ?
11 If they ca n't commit to high rates of profit , perhaps they should be working for a second-rate firm which plays budgetary games .
12 He also stressed that the personal satisfaction in working for a small firm was as important as the financial contribution the sector made to the economy .
13 In the meantime , Parkside is being maintained by a crew of former pit men working for a private contractor .
14 and actually she 's excellent and I like her not like working for a female boss good people er
15 Though I might , in working for a different future , find the struggle of women politically inspiring , I am unlikely to find a community in which women were not counted equal a medium through which I can gain a glimpse of God .
16 But er if they were just working for a single day , it was long day up till ten o'clock at night in a harvest you know .
17 By now Caroline had left the London college and was working for a glossy magazine in Cardiff .
18 He sighed tiredly , as though he had been working for a full day with stone and timber , and tried to listen to James Menzies , who was well away , drinking whisky with Allan and simmering with the news from the west , where the lists had been torn down from the church doors at Fortingall and Kenmore , and from Blair Atholl : the Duke 's factor had had to meet a crowd of more than a thousand and the Duke had signed a paper swearing not to impose the Act .
19 You could also try working for a nursing agency .
20 ‘ You mean you 're working for a calculating machine ? ’
21 He had been a sub-editor in those days , working for a huge magazine corporation , and they had struck up an instant rapport , and when he was made first assistant editor and then editor , always moving from magazine to magazine , he had pushed work her way whenever he could .
22 For example , it may instruct its members to go-slow or work-to-rule or it may call for selective strikes ( in which certain groups of workers stop working for a specified time period ) ; or all the union members may be called out on a one-day strike .
23 Owen had been working for a consulting company in Washington before deciding to devote himself to the contras , sitting at North 's feet ; despite his deep immersion in murky affairs , he still took a wide-eyed view of the world in which he operated .
24 ‘ I never thought I 'd end up working for a bossy woman . ’
25 … a dreadful distress prevailing and consequent depression … the people are working for a very pittance — 5000 persons on the poor book in Frome — very inadequately relieved …
26 ‘ Nutrition , ’ John said , after he had been working for a short time .
27 Frank was working for a large nursery and wanted to get into management when his eyesight started to fail .
28 ‘ I have an excellent job in Durban working for a French barrier fencing company and am also studying for qualification in personnel management .
29 Here am I , working for a glamorous journalist in a huge house in Richmond , looking after her brat of a daughter ( four-year-old Charlotte , who has her good moments but is mostly involved in a longstanding game of wear-the-au-pair-to-a-frazzle ) , when my mother needs me just as much to look after her daughter , but does n't have a big house and ca n't afford to pay .
30 ‘ He 's a projects co-ordinator ; been working for a big building company for years .
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