Example sentences of "working in [art] same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is irrelevant that , so far as the employees are concerned , they are working in the same premises with the same equipment and on the same job as before the sale and perhaps have not even been informed that a sale has taken place ( Woodhouse v Peter Brotherhood Ltd [ 1972 ] 2 QB 520 ; Woodcock v Committee for the Time Being of the Friends School Wigton and Genwise Ltd [ 1987 ] IRLR 98 , CA ) .
2 If a school is to be effective , the staff should all be working in the same direction , rather than pursuing conflicting goals .
3 Another significant factor working in the same direction towards decentralised negotiations in many European countries may also have been the increased importance of foreign-owned firms , particularly US multinationals ( see Chapter 8 ) .
4 They were seen to be working in the same direction and although it has not yet been possible to gauge the extent to which they help in the task of managing new education , their contribution to quality assurance should , by tradition , be valuable .
5 The manager has the board 's full support and we have got to try and get everyone working in the same direction . ’
6 Well , yes , it 's very interesting , but I 'm not sure it 's working in the same direction as almost implied by your question of implying that there was almost too much .
7 Well it 's very interesting , but I 'm not sure it 's working in the same direction as almost implied by your question of implying that there was almost too much .
8 It is important to remember that a very large percentage of jobs never come on to the open market but are filled from within the firm , by people applying ‘ on spec. ’ or by people who hear about a vacancy from friends or colleagues working in the same field .
9 Rather , it consists of a culture whereby discoveries are submitted to peer discussion and to verification or falsification by others working in the same field .
10 The second national conference for charity accountants provides an opportunity for all those involved in charity financial management , including accountants , advisers with charity clients , treasurers and trustees , to meet other working in the same field , and to examine the new demands and expectations facing charities and the impact of new charity law .
11 Frequently , a claim by an employer based on breach of confidence has failed as it was perceived to be an attempt to prevent the employee from working in the same field by offering his skill to another employer .
12 At the same time , a third tier has been added to the R&T structure through the concept of skill centres which bring together the interests of more than one primary group working in the same field — that at Runcorn serving the acrylics and resins businesses is an example .
13 Problems may arise in respect of expatriates working in the same location on longer-term postings or even local company employees who are dissatisfied with their rates of pay in comparison with salaries and/or bonuses earned by fixed-term contract workers .
14 Senior manager said : ‘ No people directly involved in R & T have lost their jobs and they are all still working in the same locations .
15 JB : It seemed natural that two painters working in the same vicinity with the same painting outlooks should share a studio which we 've been doing now for , how long ?
16 This common bond can be based on living in the same area , or working in the same factory , or attending the same church , or being members of the same club .
17 ‘ I gathered that much , you both working in the same building and everything . ’
18 Another Anglo-Irishman working in the same tradition was Joseph Le Fanu ( 1814–73 ) , whose father , the Dean of Emly , lived and died in fear of premature burial .
19 More importantly , they are locked into their own epistemic community , composed of others who are working in the same subject areas .
20 John 's on folders I mean would you feel comfortable in working in the same group as him ?
21 When choosing garment shapes , keep them as simple as possible , unless you are planning to knit the garment while working in the same room , for example on another machine .
22 just working in the same room as him welding all them hours
23 For example , when a Mozambican and expatriate doctor are working in the same hospital , the expatriate may have access to more drugs .
24 The deficiency was further illustrated by the reference to one co-author as a professor and the others as ‘ working in the same department ’ , a perfectly male way of expressing the relationship .
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