Example sentences of "rate [prep] [indef pn] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They would start construction at the rate of one a year from 1982 onwards , and they would ideally be PWRs .
2 Tate left a number of finished canvases which had never been shown and Edwin decided to release them at the rate of one a year through Ismay Gorton 's , the London gallery which handles his work .
3 Artillery shells slammed down on Sarajevo , sometimes at the rate of one a minute , as rebel Serb tanks and infantry attacked Bosnian defenders in the strategic western suburbs of Stup and Azici .
4 It began with seven mortar rounds in quick succession , then shelling , often at the rate of one a minute for five hours with no let-up .
5 But four main factors are singled out by Chris Green for the currently greatly improved outlook : the record investment currently being made , at the end of 1989 amounting to an astonishing million pounds a day ; the success of the Networker train whose carriages in 1989 were being delivered at the rate of one a day ; the enormous level of London station development both enhancing the environment ( who at the start of the 1980s would have thought of treating a terminus as a shopping precinct ? ) and producing revenue on the grand scale ; and the steady introduction of Integrated Electronic Control Centres ( discussed in detail in the signalling chapter ) .
6 If the world 's 1984 stockpile of nuclear weapons were compressed into bombs of the size dropped on Hiroshima , it would take 4,600 years to go through them all if they were let off at the rate of one a day .
7 Though officially designated European Architectural Heritage Year , listed buildings , we calculated , were disappearing at the rate of one a day .
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