Example sentences of "usually [vb pp] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This instrument is usually designated in scores by the abbreviation Fag. , its Italian name being Fagotto .
2 This type of mortgage is usually arranged in conjunction with decreasing term assurance — a specialist in this area being Norwich Union ( 071-867 0131 ) — the cheapest possible form of life cover .
3 The lower notes of a melody are usually placed at points of emotive decline .
4 The genera Nucella , Purpura and Thais are now usually regarded as members of the family Thaididae-a name confirmed by Opinion 886-which , in turn is part of the super-family Muricacea .
5 The dose of 25 µg thrice daily is slightly lower than that usually given to patients with the dumping syndrome , or neuroendocrine tumours .
6 Most attention is usually given to correlations of the same component of velocity at points separated in a direction either parallel to that velocity component ( Fig. 19.4(b) ) or perpendicular to it ( Fig. 19.4(c) ) .
7 Acromegaly patients generally use three octreotide injections daily , usually given before breakfast in the morning ( 8:00 ) , afternoon ( 16:00 ) , and late in the evening ( 24:00 ) .
8 Our modern life is based to a larger extent than is usually realised upon faith in the honesty of the other .
9 Outside London and the South-East , mass unemployment persists even among ‘ prime-age males ’ , and much of the increase in employment has taken the form of low-paid , so-called ‘ part-time ’ work usually undertaken by women in addition to their child-rearing and ‘ community care ’ activities .
10 Apart from the press and the other sources mentioned , ITV finance came from institutions such as banks and pension funds and , in due course , investors on the stock market ( usually limited to shares without voting rights ) .
11 Several types of instrument can be used for this type of test , and these are usually limited to measurements on rigid polymers or rubbers .
12 Their editorial content is usually limited to items of consumer interest and the editorial staff is kept to a minimum .
13 Yet he or she is usually limited by lack of resources , lack of accommodation , lack of contact outside the institution and downright sexual repressiveness within from any sexual expression whatever .
14 This is because figures were usually calculated for groups of speakers rather than for individuals , a practice which seemed to fit in neatly with Labov 's theoretical position that the locus of systematic variation was the group rather than the individual .
15 Consult the chart for a general idea of how reading speed ( usually calculated in words per minute ) relates to :
16 Children are usually stopped by parents from playing with their faeces , and they become interested instead in mud pies , or in building sandcastles or playing with clay and plasticine .
17 This difference is usually formulated in terms of a difference in knowledge ( pure as against applied , theoretical as against practical ) but it may be more accurate to see it as a difference of stance .
18 These are usually formulated in terms of differential equations .
19 He often drove out this way first ; there was a small lay-by that was usually filled with cars with courting couples in them .
20 Parties are usually distinguished from groups by their intention to seek control of the main offices of government .
21 The systematic survey is the antidote to excessive reliance on personal experience which is usually biased by exposure to idiosyncratic samples and by selective perception .
22 Disputes about the price and quality of metals are usually referred to arbitrators under the rules of the London Metal Exchange : for commodity arbitrations , see 15.6.5 .
23 Children are usually referred by hospitals in Hungary .
24 What is important here is the fact that even shared opposition to council housing ( manifest in petitions ) is usually blamed on incomers to an area .
25 The effectiveness of groups is usually considered in terms of ( a ) accomplishment of the task , and ( b ) member-satisfaction .
26 For example , the icons are usually addressed by inputs from a mouse rather than a keyboard and many of their operational facilities are controlled by pull-down menus .
27 It is usually addressed in terms of overall , general differences between all women and all men .
28 Cases have been most frequently reported in dogs houses in kennels with damp hay or straw bedding and the lesions , usually confined to areas of the body in contact with the ground , show hair loss , erythema , and pustule formation if infected with bacteria .
29 In eukaryotes , in contrast , recombination is usually confined to members of a sexually reproducing species , although there are some facts that suggest that distant gene transfer is not wholly absent .
30 Newborn screening for genetic and other disorders is usually confined to diseases for which there is treatment — either a change of diet ( as in phenylketonuria and galactosaemia ) or replacement therapy ( as in hypothyroidism ) — or in which there is a chance of affecting morbidity or mortality early in life , as occurs in the haemoglobinopathies ( particularly sickle cell disease ) .
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