Example sentences of "wanted [pers pn] [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Next I listened to a message from Andy Kennedy talking about the unreached peoples of the 10–40 window , which includes Saudi Arabia , and how the Lord wanted them to hear the good news .
2 Added to this , at the time of retrieval subjects may have simply assumed that since this was an experiment about risk , the experimenter really wanted them to recall the risky situations .
3 The main features were well known to most travellers , but Green wanted them to discover the lesser known tarns , valleys and fells of his beloved Lake District .
4 She perhaps wanted me to inherit the dark old house and to marry Estella .
5 Or ‘ You wanted me to have the Tuscan villa , did you not ? ’
6 But I was so proud of my beautiful daughter , and I wanted to make up to you for the years we lost before I met your mama again ; I wanted you to have the best of everything , and I thought that that was what I was giving you .
7 I desperately wanted him to see the right ‘ way to go ’ .
8 Inert , mute , untouchable , she seemed uncanny and prodigious to Rosa , who wanted her to protest the hectic fury all around her , to come alive and give a sign , as , below her , the volunteers hauling the lumbering shrine on their backs on poles criss-crossed and tethered grew more obstreperous and howled and the crowd pressed up and obstructed their laborious way ahead ; after three turns around the piazza they at last reached the platform in the middle , only a little distance from the Duomo they had left , and the sweat-streaked bearers put down the skewed tower on which the Madonna stood , and tumbled to their knees .
9 He wanted it to replace the official versions in the liturgy .
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