Example sentences of "morning i [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This morning I put the kettle on the gas before going down to the Blair toilet at the bottom of the maize field .
2 One July morning I left the car and , with a heat haze softening the details on the hills in the further distance , turned down the lane at the village 's north-eastern end marked " To the Waterfalls " .
3 Then one morning I saw a figure coming towards me faster than any man could go .
4 One morning I saw a tray of lettuces had been disturbed .
5 As it also happens to be the only drinker on the Cherwell until you get to Islip , the murderous conspiracies and dark plots which so excite the Kidlington Kops amount to nothing more than the fact that when I opened my curtains that morning I saw the sun shining in a cloudless blue sky and decided to go for the longest and most pleasant of the river walks open to me .
6 In the morning I saw the flute player — a small green frog , like an emerald brooch to adorn a tree .
7 Reading this morning I get the impression that the win was rightfully scums ( as we all know , so is every other competition going : - } ) and it was only the fact that they were playing in such a ‘ cauldron of hate ’ that denied them their place in the champions league and inevitably the trophy itself .
8 During my lessons that morning I prepared a plan of action .
9 Next morning I checked the typing for errors and sent it back for correction .
10 For two days nothing happened , but on the third morning I checked the tank and found that the fish had spawned .
11 One morning I received a report on the terms of reference for the Service-wide performance review and wrote a minute to its author stressing the need to define the concept of work .
12 The next morning I received a letter from Henry .
13 I awoke in deadly terror , and the next morning I received the news of my mother 's passing .
14 Next morning I had a call from Tirionfa .
15 This morning I had a talk with him .
16 Next morning I had a letter from him , sent round by hand .
17 When I got up that morning I had no father .
18 " At half past eleven on a Thursday morning I had the idea in Tussaud 's . "
19 After breakfast on Sunday morning I took the ms of Jane Eyre to my little study and began to read it .
20 And then I began to become very worried about it and it just happened by chance that one Friday morning I heard a programme on Radio Brighton , and it was Doctor Wisbey speaking about dyslexia , and it dawned on me immediately that my son was dyslexia .
21 I remember me getting up about three o'clock in the morning I heard the wind and I got up to look at the stack yard and start to put er bits of pit props and that into the nets and and and the wind was getting that strong the pit props was going flying over me head and I gave it up and made for and it 's certainly not a very high door at Greenspot but or a very big door but it took me all my time to get the door closed .
22 In the morning I opened the kitchen door an inch or two and peered inside .
23 At half past five next morning I boarded the ferry , and was on the final stage of my journey .
24 Next morning I found a note on my desk .
25 Every morning I read the news avidly , and in it I saw gradually a possibility of believing in something again …
26 The next morning I telephoned the prison .
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