Example sentences of "look [prep] [art] [adj -er] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If these tactics do n't work , look for a deeper reason for her misbehaviour .
2 All entrances close using zips — look for the better quality self-repairing coil zips .
3 It is in the same field with Alpha ; look past the fainter star 1 Trianguli , and at about an equal distance beyond it , in the direction of Beta Andromedæ , you will see M33 as a fairly large , dim haze .
4 ‘ Has anybody ever told you that you look like an older version of Jacqueline Bisset ? ’
5 On the other hand , if we look at a later decision-making episode in the same project when the pupils are temporarily in role as Indians who have to decide whether or not to receive a white stranger into their midst ( p. 53 ) , this is more likely to have been played seriously as a real game for by then the children , after several lessons on the same project , were steeped in the material sufficiently deeply to respect the rich complexity of the problem .
6 The funny thing is that er if you look at the better dividend funds in the year of the crash , the dividends actually went up , cos dividend yields from companies were good in that year , so people would n't have lost out , their income would have been quite stable .
7 Er and we are talking about open countryside outside erm rural settlements and if you look at the wider countryside and that includes in my judgement er the pattern of settlement which is where most people actually do live in in the countryside .
8 If you look at the lower edge of a cloth dress or skirt , it frequently has a sloping hemline .
9 Look at the Goldwater experience .
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