Example sentences of "look [adv] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 You look rather at a loose end over there .
2 Instead you manipulate the plots of the others to your own ends , playing one off against the others , letting them waste their energies in fruitless rivalries while you look on from a safe distance , waiting patiently for the moment to make your move , the day when I drop dead and you can come home and claim your own .
3 There are three windows on the side of the house , which look down onto a small courtyard .
4 The body is mainly white , so that from afar they look just like a large seagull .
5 The padded collar is comfortable enough and they look more like a tough shoe than a walking boot — designed , I suspect , to appeal more to women .
6 my uncle 's gone oh fuck off like this and he started to put his fork in again and we goes , my dad goes well that look distinctly like a three inch mortar shell so I would n't put any more in there if , I would n't put your fucking fork 's in there again if I was you , they had to get the bomb squad out , they diffused it , they found about five fucking mortar bombs
7 It is a rambling Tudor house run by John and Margaret Parker , whose breakfast room and drawing room look out over a wonderful walled garden , beyond which fields of grazing cows stretch down to the river .
8 Look out for a new Douglas deck , and look out for their UK team riders Jason Lunn , Pete McNeil and Simon Evans .
9 And look out for a new Spanish star , Jésus Montoya , who showed so brilliantly in the Vuelta d'Espana in May .
10 Look out for a new range of shampoos and conditioners called ShiKai , which means ‘ fruit for hair ’ , and aptly so because the main ingredient for this range originates from shikaki fruit in the Far East .
11 For step-by-step guide to knitwear design , look out for a new publication by Rita Ruberry called ‘ Made to Measure Knitwear ’ .
12 The method will depend on the variety so look out for a good reference book , such as Pruning by Christopher Brickell , £7.99 , Mitchell Bleazley — part of The Royal Horticultural Society 's Encyclopaedia of Practical Gardening series .
13 Look out for a current KSA membership certificate in showrooms — a KSA logo reproduced in a manufacturer 's brochure does n't always indicate the status of the retailer — check that he 's a KSA member in his own right .
14 Leave the summit walking south and look out for a shallow gully leading towards a steep grass slope beside a burn and on to Glenlicht House .
15 Look out for a special offer at the moment of four different packs of Reeforms suitable for tanks from 30″ to 4 ′ at a 20% discount , and they come with a free high-quality Reef Forms T-shirt .
16 Look out for a special Beverley Craven concert ticket promotion on packs now !
17 Look out for a full review in COMMODORE FORCE !
18 Look out for a full review in the new-look COMMODORE FORCE !
19 Look out for a full account of Paul 's journey in a future issue of Outdoor Action .
20 Look out for a big , for a big girl .
21 When you wind your way around the picturesque Lincoln Half-marathon course , look out for a little chap dressed in green who 'll be running backwards .
22 ( Look out for a fine clapper bridge here ) .
23 I should like to see the new Techniquest look out across a natural estuary that has seen the tide rise and fall for a million years .
24 The Agency 's work strategy has , has been made available to members , and erm , I think if we look back to a previous Committee , where the er , information was provided , that we had been successful .
25 There 're are complicated members of the terror act and it 's not an entirely frivolous suggesting because if you have any doubts that the performance of this County Council in it 's for duty to maintain the rights of way network to a standard appropriate for the traffic , then go and look even at a small part of John 's film .
26 For example , on almond trees : ‘ I find them to be trees making a good hedge in a short time … look well round a little wilderness quarters planted with flowering shrubs in a small garden . ’
27 We must constantly compare the copy with the reality shown to us by experienced paddlers and not simply look hard at a wide selection of paddlers and not simply look at our own friends and colleagues who may have been influenced by the same paddle strokes that we are studying ourselves .
28 Foreign Office worthies look forward to a parallel rise through the ranks of the Order of St Michael and St George , from CMG ( Call Me God ) , to KCMG ( Kindly Call Me God ) to GCMG ( God Calls Me God ) , on the theory that gullible foreigners will be more impressed by the ambassador of a second-division power if he 's called Sir Cuthbert Smith instead of plain Mr Smith .
29 ‘ I am delighted that HCIMA has been instrumental in its formation and look forward to a closer working relationship with our partners . ’
30 Look forward to a mega-massive contest taking place at the big Point Depo Stadium , in Dublin , over the May 17–19th weekend .
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