Example sentences of "seems to have [verb] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , the publisher seems to have recognised these shortcomings of the first issue , and claims that the brief of the journal is being broadened .
2 Books were few , but there was ample time to write ; as Coleridge , proficient in German after two months , put it : ‘ He seems to have employed more time in writing English than in studying German . ’
3 And it seems to have given these madmen the idea of producing a biological version , capable of creating a world indistinguishable — indistinguishable , I ask you , ye Gods ! — from reality .
4 The town itself never seems to have developed much industry , but was primarily a place of exchange , from which imported goods were distributed throughout the country and export commodities sent abroad .
5 The new art-form developed by Plato would not have existed without Socrates , who , in any case , seems to have felt some misgivings about the sufficiency of rationality himself .
6 Gandhi seems to have felt some flicker of remorse about his treatment of the Sarabhai family ; at any rate , without confessing error , he preoccupied himself with working out rules for what might be termed the just fast .
7 Somerset seems to have felt less restraint .
8 Yet , publicly at least , the whole enterprise seems to have caused little excitement .
9 The introduction of Intercity 's Nightrider service seems to have caused some difficulty in the publicity department .
10 With Herbert 's support , John seems to have applied that principle to his own education , even in an ordinary school .
11 Government seems to have accepted that criticism .
12 Erm the first point I 'd like to make erm on this issue erm is that Mr erm seems to have assessed this criterion solely with reference to landscape quality .
13 Edward III , however , seems to have made little effort to safeguard these rights .
14 Thus the British government acquired a powder-mill of its own in 1759 , though it seems to have made little use of it , and another in 1787 .
15 The Dialogue is one of the pieces Purcell included in the Guildhall songbook : he seems to have compiled this manuscript for his young lady singing pupils , and several of the items in it show similar signs of revision and re-working .
16 He seems to have maintained this style to the end .
17 Nobody seems to have challenged that building brick .
18 Eliot seems to have ignored these suggestions because for him the physical and social landscape of London was no more than a screen on which to project a phantasmagoria that expressed his own personal disorders and desperations ( partly sexual , as one might expect , and as the drafts make clear ) ; whereas Pound seems to have supposed that the subject of the poem was London in all its historical and geographical actuality , much as the city of Dublin was from one point of view the subject of Joyce 's Ulysses .
19 The experience seems to have rendered all women 's attractions null and void .
20 Contrary to the popular myth , Galileo seems to have performed few experiments in mechanics .
21 It seems to have taken several months for the message to sink in that here was plenty to worry about , with deep implications for the inhabitants of planet Earth .
22 He seems to have taken this view because he was perturbed about the growing power and intransigence of the Soviet Union , whose diplomats he had encountered at the foundation conference of the United Nations in San Francisco in April 1945 .
23 On the contrary , he seems to have discouraged any notions of romance whatsoever .
24 Fortunately for the Government , this short debate in the House of Lords seems to have attracted little attention from the press , and it continued to receive general approbation for the exhibition , with the relevance of the competition remaining largely unquestioned .
25 The conduct of Carolus Junior ( he seems to have approved this epithet ) as king , casting retrospective light on his own formative years , suggests that his teachers vigorously instilled the lesson of wisdom 's utility .
26 Passelewe seems to have used these inquiries as proceedings preliminary to the Forest Eyre itself , as when he sat at Gloucester in January 1248 .
27 Kontrax Office Automation Plc and Kontrax Telecom Plc are 30% owned by the notorious Maxwell Group whose stake is currently being administered by Arthur Andersen — but Kontrax also seems to have borrowed some accounting techniques from Robert Maxwell .
28 and seems to have worked this time .
29 The almost complete lack of response , one way or the other , from the Masai , only seems to have encouraged these fantasies , because it provided an environment in which fantasy was rarely tested against reality .
30 WPC Dick 's salutary essay ( 1985 ) changed little and generated few ripples on the ACPO pond , while one of the most powerfully critical books on policing in recent years ( Jones 1980 ) seems to have had little effect on the structures of the organization , except , perhaps , to help draw its author — then a chief inspector — into the ACPO ranks .
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