Example sentences of "seems to have [verb] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 As a means of livelihood compatible with his politics , Doherty set up as a publisher , bookseller , and printer in Manchester from 1832 , and he seems to have remained in this business until his death .
2 One that everybody seems to have played at some time is Tetris .
3 In fact , the belief that menstruation incapacitated women seems to have increased amongst some ‘ experts ’ , though they were constantly challenged .
4 Lewes alone seems to have grown to any great importance in the pre-Conquest years .
5 On her arrival in France , Isabella seems to have associated with some of the exiles who had fled there after Boroughbridge .
6 There was a time when parents had a repertoire of such material ‘ in their heads ’ , but the oral handing down seems to have failed for many people .
7 However , East Ropery Banks remains , is now designated as long-life property and seems to have recovered from some 8 years of planning blight through a combination of the re-availability of improvement grants and a strong market demand for small dwellings in central North Shields .
8 Finally the th county picked up its responsibility again but the damage had been done and er grass cutting never seems to have recovered in some areas on the that I 'll just try to describe in a few words .
9 So far only IskraTEL seems to have got around this problem .
10 All seems to have happened in such a rush .
11 Now that the $30 million project is completed , however , visitors will find not much seems to have changed at all .
12 He seems to have died about this date , for there is no further record of him .
13 The elder Blackwell 's religious commitment was at least as strong as his son 's ; he seems to have died in some poverty , having previously calculated the debts owing to himself at nearly £36,000 ( Bodleian MS Rawl .
14 Ironically , the generosity of the IWA in guaranteeing funds to enable the question of the Rights of Way Act to be taken to the Court of Appeal seems to have resulted in many believing that the issue is only the concern of the ‘ powered boaters ’ .
15 Excitement indeed ! and it even caught up a sober and spiritually distanced Quaker who could not " find words sufficient to draw it in colours strong enough " but has left a useful description of a phenomenon which seems to have lasted for several weeks , " when the great noise subsided , but the fire still existed " .
16 Generally he seems to have dealt with those who came to him with requests by saying that he would do something for them , and then repeating this promise whenever he had to , postponing action for as long as possible .
17 The experiment seems to have worked to some extent in rural schools with farms attached .
18 James seems to have thrived in this milieux , and he was now lecturing on ‘ The Case for West Indian Self-Government ’ which he had had published by Leonard and Virginia Woolf 's Hogarth Press in 1933 .
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