Example sentences of "seems [to-vb] been the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This seems to have been the usual practice in Benin in contrast to Ife .
2 The basis of this calendar of jubilees seems to have been the famous Pythagorean right-angled triangle of sides three , four , and five .
3 Whatever fire he may have had in his belly , it hardly seems to have been the religious fire of his Frome forebears .
4 It seems to have been the only scheme to attempt an irregular solution , with recessed fronts to both offices towards the east and west sides of the site .
5 And yet religion seems to have been the only respectable profession open to a woman other than marriage and child-bearing .
6 Surprisingly , it seems to have been the only instance of monastic dissolution in the county which was resisted by the locals .
7 As Green points out , in sub-Saharan Africa , technical assistance seems to have been the only real growth area in aid over the past half decade .
8 This seems to have been the only time that the English king led his men to victory : had the negotiations which preceded his return from exile the same year included a stipulation by those who complained about his previous behaviour ( see below ) that henceforth there should be more determination in dealing with the enemy ?
9 Kent also seems to have been the major importer of garnet , although the actual amount that survives has not been quantified .
10 For nearly forty years they formed what seems to have been the perfect working partnership , each attending to that part of the business to which their very different characters suited them best .
11 They drank a bottle of champagne ( 15s. seems to have been the standard charge at that period , 1s. each for liqueurs ) .
12 The US scientist Ronald Bracewell seems to have been the first to have suggested that sending or listening for radio signals is a haphazard business and almost certainly doomed to failure , because the task of covering the millions of ‘ likely ’ stars is well-nigh impossible .
13 A question which still greatly puzzles utilitarian thinkers , on which Sidgwick seems to have been the first to touch , is whether the utilitarian goal is the maximisation of total or of average welfare .
14 Marco Polo seems to have been the first European actually to have made it there and back .
15 This seems to have been the first occasion on which a British government 's annual budget was presented , or perceived , as an instrument for the redistribution of income .
16 He observed the Celts with care and seems to have been the first to find them witty : " pleraque Gallia duas res industriosissime persequitur , rem militarem et argute loqui " ( fr. 34 Peter ) .
17 In Britain Lord Clarendon in the 1860s seems to have been the first foreign secretary to apply systematically the principle of seniority in the appointment of attachés ; and from that decade onwards heads of British missions abroad were expected to report each year on the conduct and abilites of those under their control .
18 In Robert Roberts 's farming family this seems to have been the accepted practice on both sides : later on , as a young farm servant , he went to work for an uncle where his mother 's parents still lived in the farmhouse .
19 ‘ Tonight seems to have been the final dress rehearsal before Wednesday .
20 It seems to have been the tenth raid which did the greatest damage , when the ‘ sea island , with its H-jetty was hit and a Korean tanker loading there set on fire .
21 Whitbread had no formal education and seems to have been the archetypal self-made man .
22 San Giovanni seems to have been the well-to-do area , as one would expect , since it included the cathedral .
23 In Lincolnshire and the East Riding of Yorkshire , a substantial number of villages disappeared from the records in the late fourteenth and early fifteenth centuries , as well as in the second half of the fifteenth century , which seems to have been the worst period of depopulation in the area most seriously affected in the Midlands , particularly in Northamptonshire , Oxfordshire , Warwickshire , Buckinghamshire , Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire ( 58 , pp.170–3 , 220–1 , 229 ) .
24 This seems to have been the last of Hope 's involvement in actual building , and with the founding of the Saturday , he turned to journalism , although in 1865 the Institute of British Architects elected him as their President .
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