Example sentences of "seems [to-vb] be a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 What seems to exist is a continuum of purchasing involvement .
2 It seems to have been a case of mistaken identity . ’
3 The similarities to modern Ulster vernacular are very striking to anyone who knows Ulster vernacular : lowering of /Ε/; seems to have applied in polysyllables in EModE ( as in BV ) , and there seems to have been a flip-flop , as the lowering of /Ε/; applies in environments where raising of /a/ also applies — again as in Belfast .
4 The man with the feather brush seems to have been a station functionary unique to Egypt .
5 Er there seems to have been a rash of resignations recently , it all started with David Gower , then Graham Taylor and last week we heard that Mary Whitehouse is standing down now it 's Joan and thank you Joan for your sterling work as ticket subscription secretary Joan reorganized the system and I 'm sure that whoever takes over from Joan will start with an immaculate set of facts and figures .
6 Another of his favourites seems to have been a tomato jam ; this he uses for a sweet called Peaches Barbara with cream and kirschwasser and pistachio nuts .
7 ‘ There seems to have been a fad 25 years ago where many young schoolgirls used compasses or needles with Indian ink to scrawl on their arms , ’ Dr McKenna said .
8 Dated to the second half of the second century , it seems to have been a tannery and leather workshop , and is not only one of the few reliable instances yet found for this industry , but is also one of the few industries attested at Alcester .
9 From the evidence of the biographical sources , this would appear to be a nearly complete list of the mevleviyet kadiliks of the time ; the only surprising omission is the kadilik of Mecca , which seems to have been a mevleviyet for some years before 963 .
10 ( The final tightening of control seems to have been a response to Western actions . )
11 But toleration of large numbers of reversioners seems to have been a feature of the reign of James I rather than the Tudors .
12 To use Hirschi and Gottfredson 's ( 1986 ) terminology , there seems to have been a retreat from explanations of criminality , to explanations of crime — from explaining criminal dispositions , to explaining ( or rather preventing ) criminal acts .
13 The only castings found were ingots , so this seems to have been a metal refinery .
14 In those days , simply being British seems to have been a passport to the higher circles of whatever country the traveller set foot in .
15 He seems to have been a bit of a wastrel , from what Kebbel told us . ’
16 ‘ He seems to have been a bit of a ladies ’ man — ’
17 There seems to have been a hierarchy of colours , ranging from grey , to red for the principal rooms .
18 She seems to have been a girl who drifted into relationships because she did n't like upsetting people .
19 The author seems to have been a companion and friend of St Paul .
20 Others were sent by servants to families ; this series was written in 1911–12 by George Comfort who seems to have been a gardener at Buscot Park in Oxfordshire in its heyday .
21 From discussions within a racially mixed group of sixty pupils , both from the fourth and fifth year , there seems to have been a consensus of opinion that the streaming system does not truly reflect ability .
22 There seems to have been a windmill for practically every village and sometimes two or more in the market towns .
23 There is Barnabas , who used to be a rich , landowning Cypriot Levite : Symeon , called ‘ Swarthy ’ , who seems to have been a Negro ; Lucius of Cyrene , no doubt a Jew from the dispersion in North Africa ; Manaen , who was educated in court circles alongside Herod the tetrarch ; and Saul of Tarsus , the Jew from the Levant who had studied under Gamaliel .
24 It seems to have been a religion that was in transition , which may explain some startling contradictions or apparent contradictions .
25 Their advice was not wholly disinterested , however , since there seems to have been a move in the Conservative Party at this time to replace Baldwin as Party leader by Austen Chamberlain , and so prepare the ground for another Conservative/Liberal Coalition-a reversal , as Cowling puts it , of the verdict of the Carlton Club which had destroyed the Lloyd George Coalition .
26 His origins are obscure , but he seems to have been a German from one of the tribes which were allowed to settle within the Empire , and for which privilege they were liable for military service , a practice going back to the late third century .
27 Also like Sidonius he found a career in the Church , although this seems to have been a matter of choice at a relatively early age , whereas Sidonius became bishop after a major secular career , without any obvious preparation .
28 It seems to have been a fact , as Jarvis 's mother pointed out , that no girl from Cambridge School , NW6 , had ever got to any university , let alone Cambridge .
29 Seems to have been a business meeting when the Treasurer presented his accounts showing a balance of £15 ; 12 ; 6½ .
30 In 1601 Jaggard collaborated with Thomas Pavier to publish the only book of his own composition , a summary history of the lord mayors of London from Elizabeth 's accession until 1601 , and in 1602 he acquired what seems to have been a monopoly on the printing of playbills ( none survives ) .
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