Example sentences of "seems [to-vb] [conj] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The evidence seems to indicate that the ancient people operated some such technology to effect changes in earth energies .
2 IBM also says that AD/Cycle and AIX CASE tool builders will be able to support both OS/2 and AIX development systems ‘ with a minimum of incremental effort ’ which seems to suggest that the same will apply to applications developed with either , making it easier for users to hedge their bets by making their new mainframe applications migratable to the generality of Unix environments .
3 It seems to imply that the algal ridge is not building seawards , unless the gutter is also moving seawards at the same rate .
4 This includes Schenk , despite her stated belief in the essentially ironic character of wisdom literature ; a belief which seems to imply that the best lesson one can ever be taught is to be cynical ( which might , sadly , be true ) .
5 The manuscript tradition seems to imply that the first sixty-five titles had no prologue , or at least there is none that survives .
6 The most important differences are those to be found between individuals , rather than between groups or categories This seems to imply that the one thing Shetlanders have in common is that they Are All different from one another , and that their common identity as Shetlanders is something that emerges only when they contrast themselves to people from the south .
7 Thus nobody seems to notice that the oddest thing about the STV is precisely that it is a single vote — for that is what it is , no matter how many preferences are expressed .
8 Again , it seems to follow that the perceptual experiences that observers have in the act of seeing is not uniquely determined by the images on their retinas .
9 It seems to show that the Soviet Union has already accepted the inevitability of a drawing together of the two Germanys .
10 It seems to show that the Soviet Union has already accepted the inevitability of a drawing together of the two Germanys .
11 All the discussion seems to show that the same attitudes are coming through in society .
12 It seems to show that the imaginary case in which you are a brain in a vat being fed the experiences of reading a book is perfectly effective in showing that you do not know that you are reading a book .
13 ‘ The problem seems to occur when the Whispering Jet 146 is preparing for take off and it depends on how bad the winds are as well .
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