Example sentences of "seems [to-vb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Jameson seems to object to the fall of modernism and the decline of a critical aesthetic , and fails to learn from the quite genuine failure of modernism itself with regard to its popular acceptability .
2 With the aid of a small capital thus amassed , he became first a pedlar in Lincolnshire , then a traveller — but it seems to sit on the surface of his story that the motive for his wider travels was not so much the search for gain as the love of travel itself , and the urge to pilgrimage .
3 And also , you do n't get dust and dirt , if they 're on the floor it seems to gather on the floor
4 Yeah , but it seems to sound like the person though does n't it ?
5 The conversion of the drug in the present case seems to fall within the mischief of the Act since it renders the cocaine suitable for smoking .
6 Couched in the right terms , that seems to fall within the ambit of a Consolidated Fund Bill debate , or one of the Adjournment debates before we go off for Christmas .
7 Then carefully go through your list , item by item , noting any idea which seems to leap off the page , makes you tingle or glow , or releases energy somewhere in your body .
8 Certainly previous experience shapes present and future conduct but the good teacher or the good manager will not be contented simply with repeating what he or she has already been through without questioning the constraints of the organization which seems to stand in the way .
9 And the only thing that seems to stand in the way of doing anything commercially sensible with County Farms is that every time we deal with it , somebody says , ah , but it can only exist as an entity , let's keep it as that , let's pass it on to a trust , let's safeguard it , let's do this and that .
10 It is certainly a tough lesson , but one which seems to work as the scoring averages are improving season by season on the Tour .
11 He lets the silence linger for ten endless seconds , during which his bulk seems to swell in the room .
12 This Germanic organization remains extremely vague in Formen and the reason seems to come from the paucity and dubiousness of Marx 's sources for the construction of this mode of production .
13 Well all the support comes from one side of the ground , I mean when they score all the shouting comes from one side of the ground now and when Walsall scored all the shouting seems to come from the Street end and the erm
14 I would really love to have long hair but it never seems to grow at the back , only at the fringe !
15 In Roses — we find man , with his aspirations , his joys , his suffering and bitterness , his hopes and encounters , but everything appears fixed , fatal , everything seems to belong to the man 's destiny .
16 Although one can not believe that times were good for immigrant artists in the 1950s , a quantity of painting seems to belong to the period , though done a decade or more later .
17 Until 27 March at Ronald Feldman , a gallery that seems to specialise in the genre , Todd Siler ( who holds a combined doctoral degree in neuroscience and art and who has written a book called Breaking the Mind Barrier ) has devised a tableau he calls ‘ Radical Futures ’ .
18 The light fades to black , to be replaced suddenly by a crash and a burst of light from above as a giant ring pull seems to tear from the ceiling .
19 The assumption which seems to prevail in the literature on conduct disorder is that certain disordered personality characteristics are formed which tend to continue , although the data on continuities in adverse social conditions which would confirm this assumption is by and large absent .
20 The higher-level , task-related interactive project work that seems to prevail inside the office would , if it were to be done by teleworkers , require workflow management tools that ‘ are still in their infancy ’ , according to , systems integration consultant with Glasgow-based specialists Iain Graham Consultants .
21 Woods seems to assume in the passage cited above that there are only a few regions where high quality accidental word matches take place .
22 This scenario seems to apply to the position in The Netherlands , otherwise seen as being in the forefront of community care .
23 Found in savanna woodland and grassland wherever there is such terrain throughout subsaharan Africa , the warthog is one of the classic wild pigs , an animal whose distinctive countenance seems to stick in the mind of anyone who 's ever seen one or a picture of one .
24 The pheasant-tailed jacana seems to walk on the water .
25 On the other hand , infant mortality considerably decreases if spacing is four years or longer in the regions where overall levels of infant mortality are high , but the beneficial impact of four-year or longer spacing seems to weaken with the reduction of general infant mortality ; it is almost negligible in the Western Hemisphere ( see Fig. 7 ) .
26 This means that it would be advisable to deposit such an order in 1911 and that in turn seems to point to the desirability of making a start on the drafting process not later than 1976 or 1975 .
27 On the one hand , much empirical evidence seems to point to the fact that fire-cults in which fire-wheels are rolled down hills , thrown into the air , or in which bonfires are kindled on Midwinter 's or Midsummer 's Day all reflect solar symbolism ; the object of these practices being to ensure the return of the sun , or protection against its heat or whatever .
28 The corporatist view , by perceiving the company as a unit which welds together the interests of its participants into a harmonious common purpose defined as the public good , seems to draw on the ideal of community and seeks to inject it into an area which the dominant legal ideology regulates through contract and hierarchy .
29 The precise meaning of this formulation is unclear — does it mean ‘ lose self-control and kill ’ , or ‘ lose self-control and kill in the way D did ’ — but it seems to derive from the notion that there are degrees of loss of self-control .
30 The degree and nature of the fretting seems to vary with the position on the wavecut platform in relation to sea level .
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