Example sentences of "seems [adj] [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In any event , it seems strange to penalise the good citizen , whose natural instinct is to trust the revenue and pay taxes when they are demanded of him .
2 However , UK exchange law is so thoroughly contract-based , that it seems unnecessary to redefine the existing contractual duty of fairness in terms of a new , quasi-statutory , remedy .
3 As the system is now ‘ up ’ and mostly ‘ running ’ it seems appropriate to report the current situation and , for the information of Tutors , Students and Members alike , to again outline the system .
4 Here , in the natural sciences , despite the complex patterns that exist at the research level , it still seems appropriate to use the broad categories identified by Comte and embodied in the nomenclature of undergraduate degrees — the physical , the chemical , the biological — while recognizing that there are gradations between these ( physical chemistry , biochemistry ) and foci and links within and across them ( geology , biophysics , physiology or ecology ) .
5 IT SEEMS appropriate to end the Eighties with the band that decided that this decade was quite enough .
6 Washington seems content to let the United Nations disband the Contras , but Mr Pickering and other US officials have been linking it to the disbanding of the FMLN , without explicitly making it a condition for Washington 's cooperation .
7 Although it seems pointless to reiterate the immense journalistic gaffs that screamed from most music papers ( Smiths tour dates etc ) it was their beloved NME who broke the official story first .
8 The 900 group , originally the domain of Kawasaki with the Z900 and then the GPZ900R , introduced in 1984 and still in production , seems set to become the premier sports class .
9 With rhythmic variations 11 and 76 years long now identified in the measurements of solar diameter , it seems straightforward to interpret the longer trend as part of a similar but longer cycle , which would pose no real problems for astrophysicists ' and geologists ' faith in the long-term stability of our nearest star .
10 Francophone Africa , which once attracted a glimmer of interest , continues to be dominated by the French and nothing seems likely to stimulate the British to explore it further .
11 NIGERIA seems likely to follow the English game in embracing the long-ball philosophy of Wing Commander Charles Reep and his Position Of Maximum Opportunity .
12 FISHING VILLAGE SPAWNS TOTAL BUSINESS CENTRE With its stable government , advanced business services , first-world infrastructure , educated workforce and fast-rising GNP , Singapore seems likely to achieve the developed nation status it craves
13 At the same time there is a major launch for a rival format , the eight-track cartridge , which uses an endless loop system and seems likely to sweep the in-car market .
14 A new gamma-ray observatory satellite to be launched in 2001 seems likely to become the first joint space mission between European , Russian and US space agencies .
15 But first , something has to be said about consciousness and intentions , because in everyday life we interpret our own behaviour in these terms , and it seems natural to do the same for animals .
16 In like manner , it seems natural to claim the moral right that promises will be kept , and for apologies to be due if they are not ; or the right to polite treatment , since they trade upon the legal parallels with contract , and assault and slander .
17 It seems reasonable to accept the contemporary view that in rural England , albeit with much variation in the pattern between parishes , a significant transfer of income took place towards the poorer members of society .
18 Washington 's stance seems sure to complicate the United Airlines buyout , which was to close a few days after the 10 October deadline set by Mr Skinner for information on BA 's involvement .
19 And it seems safe to say the three main beneficiaries will be Ivan Lendl , John McEnroe and Jimmy Connors .
20 We played and fought hard , and it is sad to reflect that the plethora of political parties to which the hon. Member referred seems unable to produce the good will , fellowship and spirit that prevailed in those days .
21 In the UK , this ideal has been eroding for some time and seems unlikely to survive the escalating costs of current treatments .
22 But it seems difficult to refute the Soviet contention that in Russia the advance of industrial capitalism , rather than fostering moderation , reformism and concern with purely economic goals , was nourishing an increasingly radical and politically conscious proletariat .
23 It seems difficult to imagine the next target .
24 He seems anxious to re-affirm the dramatic and classical potential of the troupe by giving all the dancers choreography of the utmost complexity , requiring from them performances of total physical and emotional commitment .
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