Example sentences of "support for the [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 The controversial move , which is effective from April , has angered Labour MPs , who claim there is no support for the measure in Scotland .
2 Applegarth , who was a radically minded Liberal , was at the centre of all the political and industrial issues of the 1860s : the vigorous support for the north in the American civil war ; the agitation for the repeal of the Master and Servant Acts ; the political aims of the Reform League ; and after union affairs his main concerns were the co-operative movement and a national system of education for working people .
3 A meeting of Western European Union ( WEU ) Foreign Ministers in Paris on Jan. 17 reaffirmed support for the USA in the Gulf war and for military action against Iraq until it withdrew unconditionally from Kuwait .
4 But none the less the community is expressing support for the FDR-FMLN in ways which it is really surprising to see .
5 Faced with a sharp fall in support for the CDU in the former East German Länder , CDU general secretary Volker Rühe ( with the tacit support of Federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl ) had led the group within the party pressing for the replacement of de Maizière .
6 The cantons were split 16 " no " to seven " yes " , underlining the depth of the linguistic divide on this issue : all six majority French-speaking cantons voted " yes " , as did Basel , but all the other majority German-speaking cantons and half-cantons voted " no " ( including Zürich , notwithstanding the relatively greater support for the EEA in urban areas ) , as did the majority Italian-speaking Ticino .
7 ‘ There is enormous support for the scheme in the town and when they considered the first application , the only resident input came from a small group of people who opposed it , ’ he said .
8 Potential Tory rebels are threatening to withhold support for the Government in a future vote on the white paper if it does not give a firm long-term guarantee for the reprieved pits .
9 The wide margin between support for the Conservatives in the South of England and Labour in the North and Scotland is shown in Table 5.7 and in Map 5.1 .
10 The DES accompanied the report with Circular 11/77 , ‘ The Training of Teachers for Further Education ’ , in which it declared the Secretary of State 's support for the proposals in principle , together with the hope that an early start would be made on their implementation , ‘ so far as this is possible within existing resources ’ .
11 The support for the Express in 1912 " provides for the introduction of £50,000 or $60,000 to retain the only half-penny paper the Party possesses in London , and no less a sum than $700,000 to £1 , 000,000 would be necessary to start a similar paper if the Daily Express were allowed to go .
12 The SDLP 's public support for the Tories in the 1987 General Election caused its former leader , Gerry Fitt to comment : ‘ I would not vote for the SDLP because it is not a socialist party …
13 The collapse of the Husayn-Arafat accord led to a new phase of cooperation between Israel , the United States and Jordan aimed at objectives similar to those of the early seventies : the erosion of support for the PLO in the territories , the reinforcement of the normality of occupation by a programme to improve ‘ the quality of life ’ , a term coined in this context by US Secretary of State George Schultz .
14 The auditors say the department withdrew support for the project in March after ‘ a series of delays in design , development , and preparation for installation ’ of a loop to test the reactor .
15 In May 1843 Gould was given the opportunity to repay Sturt for his generosity towards him while he was in Australia when Sturt appealed for help in generating support for the project in England .
16 That provided support for the regulars in a vital role .
17 The accord follows a threat by the Greens to withdraw their support for the Socialists in the regional assembly unless consideration for environmental factors was built into development strategies .
18 With this effort to deploy support for the arts in New York has come a proliferation of arts alliances , organizations and advisory committee .
19 Together with the London boroughs , the LAB attaches a high priority to helping to nurture the audiences , performers and producers of the future through its support for the arts in schools and for organisations which work for young people .
20 The gathering force of worrying rumour about the killing in asylums of mentally sick and incurably ill patients was one factor which , especially but not solely among practising Christians , was giving rise to grave concern and threatening to alienate support for the regime In August 1941 , news of the courageous open denunciation of the ‘ euthanasia action ’ by Bishop Galen of Münster spread rapidly and seems to have persuaded Hitler to halt the killing , at least inside the Reich itself .
21 The probable father-and-son relationship between Beornhaeth , who was associated with Ecgfrith in his defeat of the Picts in the early 670s , and Berht , who led the Northumbrian forces into Uí Néill territory in Ireland in 684 , even suggests Irish support for the Picts in their wars with the northern Angles .
22 After 1956 — the year in which the government had tried and failed to cut off Arab support for the FLN in the ill-fated Anglo-French Suez expedition — there had been a growing perception , both in Paris and among the general public , that these dilemmas were not likely to be resolved by short-lived coalition governments of the kind that the Fourth Republic produced .
23 Political anti-semitism attracted mass support for the BUF in a limited geographical area , but it engendered greater hostility within those same localities and had appalling consequences elsewhere .
24 Taro Nakayama , the Japanese Foreign Minister , visited Hong Kong on Nov. 3-4 , 1989 , when he offered moral support for the colony in the future and help on the Indo-Chinese refugee problem .
25 President George Bush had appealed for support for the agreement in a national television broadcast on Oct. 2 in which he described the deficit as " a cancer gnawing away at our nation 's health " .
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